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Posts posted by MunkusBFunky

  1. I've thought about dipping, but I'm such a klutz I'd end up knocking it all over the place.

    It's not so bad if you just put very little in there just enough to get the bridge wet. Then if you do spill some (and you will, I did shortly after that post last night), it wont be much, or any at all it's hard to knock it over I just had too much in it and got careless (and a little drunk).

  2. Thanks MunkusBFunky! I doubt the Truesmoke will disappoint. I'm interested in what your thoughts are of it when you get it. If anything to see how two palates compare.

    As soon as i have the $$ for the passthrough and another battery I'm gonna get some of that TrueSmoke, I know you didn't smoke candy canes before but you should try his menthol flavor its very mellow (didn't like it at first because it wasn't enough menthol for me).

    I'm glad the Dragon is treating you well. I'm still loving it, and I do drip. Like crazy. Matter of fact I went a little crazy with the drops during this review and had to go into evasive action to keep the battery from getting flooded :lol:

    hehe that's why i don't drip... i dip. Got a contact cleaning case and just put enough in it to get the bridge wet so it makes that bubble in the middle... so much easier than trying to drip, with a 401 anyways.

  3. Good to know man i was gonna try some of the Totally Wicked camel juice but i like Truesmoker and i will give his a shot, thanks for another great review KarateLobster.

    Btw your review of the Dragon swayed me to that product and i am loving it.

    Oh and you my try dipping with the 401 i get better vapor production and it less refilling that way.

  4. Just wanted to let everyone know i ordered another bottle of Truesmokers menthol flavor (it has grown on me) on Tuesday got it today, and as a token of his appreciation, he sent me some truesmoker coffee. Pretty cool, really starting to dig how everyone in this community is so helpful and nice. The mind boggles... lol, just jaded i suppose.

    Also tried the dipping method with my 401 today... wow gonna be hard to go back to carts.

  5. i thought i saw a video Royce did but can't find it again, was it Totally Wicked?

    Also would like your thoughts on the different menthol flavors out there. Have been vaping truesmokers menthol its kinda pepperminty to me, looking for a truer menth.

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