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Posts posted by jen_haynes

  1. LOL Viper Ron. Thanks Godfather! I wouldn't have suspected it to be the nicotine level. If you were still tired up to 2mo -- maybe it's not all that odd. I had bursts of energy & exhaustion when I smoked, so it's about finding that balance once again.

    I use a few drops of 24 with an 18. Maybe I should give a 15ml of 12 a try & see if my energy improves. I have plans in the mo of Nov to eat vegan until Christmas (based on religious values) along with some super antioxidant supplements, & we'll be adjusting our clock soon so maybe with the combination of all of these things & through process of elimination -- I can find my happy place. I suppose I should be patient with my body's recovery (after 25yrs of analog abuse). If the energy issue persists after 6mo, I'll check in with my dr. :) Thanks for being pals!

  2. Hi again! Things are going wonderful. Found my all day vape & a few others to enjoy on occasion. I can breath in & out of my nose again. My sense of smell & taste have returned. I sleep well at night. But one thing seems to be an issue, I can't seem to get off of the couch. I used to be an avid walker, lifted weights, & ate healthy even while smoking. It seems my motivation has disappeared. I'm not sure if it's just from years of pushing myself when I was extremely tired during the years of smoking analogs, but I feel so tired all of the time. I thought this would have passed over by now, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. Anyone else go through this stage? (and I am hoping it's just a phase)

  3. I 2nd the motion for the Joye Ego Tank Kit. I bought mine at myvaporstore.com, but you'll find cheaper supplies at the VT store. I plan on buying any replacement parts or extra batteries at VT. So far I'm not in need. It's working out well. I would recommend what worked for me: 24mg of nicotine juice to start off with just to get off of the cigarettes. There's something in them other than nicotine that keeps us addicted & the first two weeks are the most uncomfortable, but tolerable.

    The first juice I purchased came from VT choco java & I also picked up a tobacco flavor from myvaporstore called Kamol. Now I'm ordering from sweet-vapes.com. Excellent service & I'm digging the tea juices. There's a huge learning curve to it, but if do the research & pick up the kit -- you should be good to go.

    On a personal note, As a former smoker of 25yrs, smoking a pack a day, I am very happy in making the switch. I have little desire to return to traditional cigarettes.Good luck in your journey!

  4. Hands down - gotta try Chai Tea 80/20 at sweet-vapes.com if you like a little spice or chai tea :) My brother also really likes the Very Vanilla from sweet-vapes.com. The choco java at VT store also is good for the mornings. You can try both of these in a 3pack sample. I went through the Chai Tea sample that same day.

  5. I've found a juice I like, but it tastes nothing like the tobacco I smoked at sweet-vapes (chai tea). Myvaporstore.com Kamol flavor in 24mg's is what I started with when switching. It's a little strong, but the strength helped to curb the cigarette craving. I also used the VT store Java Choco 24mg at the same time to switch the flavor up. Believe it or not, sometimes you get sick of vaping the same thing & your taste buds change -- as well as depending on what you're eating or drinking (e.g. wine & java doesn't taste very good together). Currently I am vaping 18mgs.

    Learning as I go too

  6. The Joye Ego Tank has helped me & usually lasts most, if not all day. One suggestion would be purchasing 3 Joye Ego Tank batteries (maybe the 1000mah) - one for home & two for the office ~ I imagine would be okay with rotating them. It will all work out.

    I smoked a pack a day of Marlboro 72's. Good luck! It will all be fine -- you'll see.

  7. I changed my mind about signing this. I heard an interview not to long ago from the guy from Boston University that said it's a bad idea to make e-cigs out as "healthy" or "safe" because it could fall under pharmaceutical instead of tobacco -- which would require a lot of $ to fight & that industry could fight this forever - driving the ecig to go out of business with court/legal fees.. . I'm hesitating on this one. I want e-cig to be treated as an alternative to traditional tobacco. Are my facts correct here or ?

  8. Same here :) I investigated the device & medical info for about 2 months on this site & a few others. And finally decided to give it a go once I figured what kind of PV would best fit to begin my journey. In the past, I've tried Zyban & the patch, &the gum. None of it worked longer than a month. I was kind of skeptical on whether it really would work for me or not, but remained hopeful. But from the moment of my first vape after dinner the first night, I felt satisfied the rest of the evening. The next morning, I vaped with a cup of my morning coffee. By mid morning, I decided to try a cigarette & could barely finish it. That was my very last cig to date. The first 3 days were difficult, but I knew this is my only way out so vaped through the discomfort. Since then, I see no good reason to switch back to analogs.I'm converting my little brother, my cousin, my step dad -- everyone I love - to make the switch by trying out my device. I know they don't need to suffer anymore under the spell of cigarettes Just vape :) & celebrate the joy of being free.Congrats on your new freedom! Keep up the good fight.

  9. I guess I need to practice a little more watchfulness. I had to google stealth vape :) That sounds like a solution! Since I've used my pv while driving, I'm ALWAYS paranoid about the police pulling me over. As for trying out vape night at a few places, that's a big step for Chicago! I just moved from chitown a few years ago & man -- people would look at you like a leper for smoking even while outside. (I think that's when my hiding habits started) I'd be interested to hear how that goes up there. Thanks for weighing in folks!! :wine:

  10. Hi there! Mjar is right on with his comment. That's what I've heard too. I'm new to the vaping community & just started to order from sweet-vapes. Excellent service in my opinion & gave me a free juice in the sample pack - the kona...although I don't like it right now. On the shelf it goes until later. But -- I did order my first 80/20 blend. This worked well for the chai tea :) I took a risk & it worked out. It's kind of peppery & still gave me a great TH. But I didn't like this for the Vanilla. I'm going to order 100% PG next time for this flavor. Usually I buy the regular flavor or the standard way they make the juice without messing with it too much. Somewhere on the website it mentions info on extra flavoring & cautions a person that it can make the juice extra sweet - which might not be a good thing for PG users, but excellent for someone who vapes mostly VG (VG tends to suppress flavor). I'd suggest playing around with it & see what works best for you.Personally, as of right now, I'm not too much into creating extra vape (VG) as I am into the TH (PG).

    It's all subjective though :)

  11. Hola! So I'm vaping everywhere -- in my car, at festivals, in my home, && even in my bed :S I'm getting used to be in the house more than being outside when I smoked. I never did any of these things as a smoker. I hid in shame. Never smoked around my kids or inside of the house or inside the car. So it brings me to this question -- is there a vaping etiquette within the community? do you have one? if so, why?

    Much Obliged folks!!

  12. I'm also tech challenged! The videos help because you always hit repeat :) You're going to love it! I have the ego Tank & it really couldn't be more simple once you know all the pieces that make up the device. Happy Vaping! And wishing you continued success in making the switch (possibly making some other long time smoking converts) :)

  13. Besides the other ideas heard on here, just thought I'd chime in. As an experiment, these items are typically used to cleanse your palate: lemon sorbet or water with lemon (if you're trying to cut out unnecessary calories), pickled ginger (my favorite), or table water crackers. Also a piece of fruit - one single piece like an apple may help. These suggestions may or may not work with vaping. Also for consideration, gently using a tongue scraper, if you don't do so already.

    So far I haven't come across too many tasting issues with the exception of last night. Taco flavored Doritos & Wine + Vaping = :P yuck! Congratulations & keep up the fight for your health!


    "This too shall pass"

  14. Most likely the tank and atty are not making a good seal. This happens after using it for awhile. Pop in a new tank and you should be good.

    I just did what you had said. I had one good hit afterwards & afterwards not so good. Took off the cart & noticed it was leaking again. Do you think I need to readjust my wick or should I wait to order the carts mentioned by DayVape? Or is it something else?

    This lady was extremely helpful:

    I am semi-confident I could pull the wick up a bit. What do you think? Will I damage my egoT by doing the adjustment? Also -- it tastes kind of burnt like a marshmallow caught on fire.

  15. Sorry to bring this discussion back up, but some of this thread is way beyond my comprehension. And to disassemble the device completely would be an absolute last resort. I just need some things reiterated & kept really simple.

    Here are the facts:

    I've had my Joye Ego T for one week & noticed it started to leak juice between the atomizer & the tank cart. I've been refilling the same cartridge for the past week. I always make sure it is properly closed. Is it time for a new cart? Could the cart be causing the leaking issue? What is the life expectancy of a cart?

    Also, I keep my ego T assembled in the evening & leave the mouth piece pointing upward or sideways during the day. Can someone please send over some solutions that are simple for a new user. Could this be the culprit to my leaking issue?

    Does anyone have info on how clean my atomizer without disassembling it? Today I blew on the atomizer - thinking this would solve my leaking issue :\ but without success. It's still leaking. I top the juice off (usually leaving that bit of space as I was told) & it seems like it's disappearing right away. No leaks into the mouthpiece as of yet.

    As always this forum is an extreme help in my process to switch, so thank you in advance for the help!

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