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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2018 in Posts

  1. Uma

    How Long Should I Vape?

    Nana! You go girl!! I'm right there with ya. I was floored when Russ of ClickBang discovered that his chain vaping amounted to a whole 15 minutes worth of vaping per day. Mamu made him a new mod with the new Russian Nivel chip installed in it, and the new chip has the ability to keep track of every second vaped. If the same counter were on a ciggy, the amount of time spent smoking would be astronomical due to the smoke that is constantly burning on the end of the one of those awful things. There is no vapor burning in between puffs, like there is with ciggys. The vapor also dissipates from the air quite quickly, unlike the lingering smoke from a ciggy. Fifteen minutes is nothing.
    1 point
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