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V-2 Starter Kit


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Good morning everyone. I bought the v-2 standard kit. I also got extra cartridges. I tried the Congress med and coughed my head off! It was stronger than my normal cigs. I then tried the light peppermint and was pleasantly surprised. It tasted nice, and was not too strong.

I have been told by Brian about the slow drag, and am very greatful for the advice. Does that also bring down the strength of the hit? I was wondering what flavors and strength some of you prefer?

I have to admit that after 52 years it will be nice not to have the odor and mess of smoking. My husband and DOCTOR were thrilled to hear I was going to try vaping. Of course Ive been smoking longer than my doctors have been alive :wub:

Hope to hear suggestions on flavor and strength from some of you, and any other tips you may have! I want to thank all of you for the help so far. It is greatly appreciated.


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Glad to hear that vaping is working for you this far. Don't give up. Quitting smoking has never been much fun. What flavors do you like? Do you like hot connimon? Desserts? If so what kind? Were you an menthol smoker or just a straight tobacco user? What fruits do you like? The best advice I can give is to have plenty extra atomizers/cartomizers around. The last thing you want to go back to smoking because you weren't prepared. Good luck. I know ya can do it.

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It was VERY hard for me to get used to that slow drag thing....I STILL have to mentally remind myself,almost 11 mos later, especially first thing in the morning. I smoked for 30 years, over 2 packs a day. I use 18 mg strength. I vape only cappuccino flavor, a mixture from two different vendors that I concocted, LOL. I probably tried 50 flavors before I arrived at this. I was a chain smoker and now I am a chain vaper....sometimes I actually doze off with the thing in my hand, hey, at least I can't start a fire, LOL. I have found the opposite, if you drag real hard it just screws it all up and you get less strength. I think the slow steady drag produces a much bigger stronger amount of vapor and strength. Anything stronger than 18 mg I find hurts my throat after a couple hours....like it gets a really raw feeling, like when you smoke too many cigarettes in too short a time. I use the KR808 style just because I am too lazy to mess with an atomizer and all that, just another supply I would have to make sure to always have enough of. To me the cartomizer is SO much easier. My husband had ordered our starter kit, and once we had that style it was easier to just stay with that than having a bunch of stuff that didn't work with each other. I do not throw my carts away, I refill them, boil them, soak them in everclear, and keep on using them. About every ten fills I give them a big cleaning and they are just like new again. I can easily get 25-30 drops in them. It also took me a long time to find a flavor I liked. It is hard to get used to something that tastes nothing like tobacco. My husband likes coffee, dark chocolate, sour green apple, cherry, watermelon, and he likes my cappuccino mixture too, but I try and keep him away from it, since it is the only one I will vape right now. SOMETIMES, VERY rarely I will vape a caramel mocha frappuccino one, but that is VERY seldom, like maybe once every 6 weeks. I also tried all those flavors plus pina colada, doc pepper, cola, lemon lime, lemon merangue, and then dozens of freebies like Kant (fake Kent), some fake cigar flavor (YUUUUUUCKKKKYYYY), cowboy, vanilla, root beer, irish cream and so many others I can't remember them all. Some were okay, but I just love my cap...nothing else tastes good to me anymore. So I guess I will just stay with this, unless I get sick of it and then I will figure out something else. I have so many liquids and carts of a million flavors, I am set for just about any preference, LOL. There is a place, gourmet vapor, and they have over a hundred flavors, plus you can create any flavor you want in any strength you want. The ONLY thing I didn't care for with theirs is that they are REALLY thick, like almost so thick they don't want to soak into the filler. BUT I mix their cappuccino with my other one, because their is a SUPER strong flavor and it adds just the right amount of kick to my normal cappuccino....plus mixed it is not thick. Anyway, really play around. You aren't going to hurt anything. If you don't like something you can wash it out and let the cart dry and fill it again with something else. Have fun!!!

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