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Screwbacco by The Steam Factory


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A bit of a long seller's description here:

"On a chilly fall night, just off a lonesome highway, fruit met with tobacco and conspired to create something special. No one is sure what their plans or intentions were, but when the moon is high and the stars are bright, you can go out into that field and find a stygian berry hanging from the upper branches of a tobacco plant the locals have dubbed 'screwbacco.'

Now, there's talk of people who eat the screwbacco leaves, but they're treated as outcasts. The real locals collect them at night, and put them through a juicer. Then they take that juice and shove it in a vape pen.
A touch of strawberry. A gentle kiss of fine tobacco.

This is Screwbacco."

This is apparently a juice for those who do not like tobacco flavors.  Its very interesting. I get why some would compare it to tobacco, but I don't taste it and think tobacco.  More like a sweet and bitter fermented earthy strawberry with a touch of tobacco on the exhale.  Its not my favorite but its not a bad juice.  Good one to pull off the shelf for something a bit different.

One note, do not put this juice in a gurgly tank that has some spitback.  The flavor of even a bit of it on the tongue is pretty awful and kills the tastebuds.

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