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Oregon Attorney General Sues Smoking Everywhere


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Why do you think that Karate? They weren't that bad, slightly aggressive, but not that bad and someone did post a link to Dr. Siegel which is awesome. :) Edit: I did notice that they allowed the sellers link to be a link and not the tobaccoanalyis link. Wonder why?

I have seen your comments before on articles so I know you have a totally different way of going about it which I completely respect. Just FYI. ;)

Here's my response:

FDA Approval?

Is it really necessary? Once they approve tobacco cigarettes, will all smokers be left to smoke tobacco in peace?

What concerns me is the philosophy that we all must quit or die. Why must we quit or die? Why can't there be a category right down the middle that allows people the options of reduced harm products? There are so many products on the market that people are using instead of tobacco cigarettes and that is what we should be focusing on. Not making them look as bad as tobacco cigarettes because they are not.

What also concerns me are the restrictions placed on NRT's. Why can't NRT's like the gum and patch be sold where tobacco cigarettes are sold? Shouldn't adults be able to choose how they intake their nicotine? Wouldn't it seem reasonable that one night, after smoking a lot, someone might want a pack of nicotine gum INSTEAD of buying that next pack of cigarettes?

I can completely get on board with the idea that the electronic cigarettes should not be sold to minors, they should not be marketed in any other way other than an alternative to tobacco, quality control and safety standards at the manufacturing level are necessary and I can even get on board with a tax rate that is LOWER than traditional cigarettes.

There is WAY more to this story than the FDA has said. The FDA has not given the AG's and the public the full story and the tobacco analysis link is a great place to see "The Rest of the Story"...


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Why do you think that Karate? They weren't that bad, slightly aggressive, but not that bad and someone did post a link to Dr. Siegel which is awesome. :)

I have seen your comments before on articles so I know you have a totally different way of going about it which I completely respect. Just FYI. ;)

When I originally read the article there were three comments. Here's one:


How does this help? It would have been better to not post anything than to post a comment that makes e-cig users seem like filth spewing, adolescent, idiots. That's what I think a comment like this does.

a second comment:

E-Cigarettes are much better for you then regular smokes. The FDA lied about all of this because they are corrupt. The FDA is in with Big tobacco and Big Pharm so of course they don't want a healthier product coming out, that would take away money from them.

Why? This started out good but then went right down hill. Calling the FDA corrupt does not lend any credence to any argument. Regardless of whether or not they are, or are not, saying they are, and basing your whole comment (argument) on it, is useless. "Ok, the FDA is corrupt because you don't agree with what they are doing. Fine. Please go away now, and let those who can make a valid point and back it up, get to the front of the line." And of course there is the conspiracy theory. Again, regardless of its validity is an empty position. "This is BS because the FDA is corrupt and they are in bed with Big Tobacco and Big Pharma!!" Whatever. That's not going to change minds and make them think "Hey, you know, this rabid poo flinging monkey makes a good point. Maybe I should reconsider my position and look at this with an open mind." Had they maybe added some facts about how e-cigs are better, well, then we're talking.

The rest of the comments start to move towards the open lines of communication. They adult point of view if you will. I've seen everything that you are doing Lacey, and I respect every bit of it. You're really putting yourself out there and doing as much as you can to get this into the spotlight and get people involved in fighting the good fight. People like the above, in my opinion, actually hurt that idea.

The way I see it stuff like this turns people off. For all they know the "big deal" is that people using the e-cig are just pissed because the FDA is, potentially, disagreeing with them. FOR NO GOOD REASON.

Does that make sense? I kinda went on a tangent there and lost myself.

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Oh Karate... I apologize. I didn't even see the one in caps. I think I automatically turn the vision down when I see shouting.

You are totally right. That one is particularly trashy.

The other one... while I can totally see where you are coming from... I can't help but agree. Now... I try to not flat out write that they are corrupt... I tend to let the reader figure out that one for themselves... but... as your rant just above, and a beautiful one at that... sometimes we do lose ourselves in the moment... so that one I chalked up to that. There have been times I have left Siegel's blog and needed to excuse myself to the smoking room in the far back of the garage to regain my composure before typing. Vaping certainly doesn't subside every craving. LOL. This guy... simply didn't take time to cool down before posting. I can sympathize.

And imagine... maybe he JUST found out! How pissed were you when you first put the whole picture together? I am still fuming... I've just learned to control it. (Hopefully he does too)

Still... the first one you are right. Those kind of comments make us look like a bunch of drug addicts without logic who are crying and whining. IMHO, I like nicotine just like my sister, who stops at a coffee house 4 times a day, likes her caffeine! LOL.

PS Thanks for the pat on the back. I needed that :)

And on another note... I wonder how long it takes to approve comments?!? Seriously. Mine isn't up yet? Was it too truthful? I didn't think it was aggressive at all. Hmph.

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No need to apologize Lacey, at all (honestly I read no malice in your post, just a question. My bad :lol: ). You're on overdrive with this, and I can completely understand how that can make one touchy. Especially after having to fight off the hordes of "non believers" with they party line BS ("It's antifreeze!", "e-Cigs make baby Jesus cry!!")

And you're completely right about having to step back, collect yourself, and then type out a non emotionally laced (heh, Lacey, laced. I'm such a tool) comment/rant. While it's all good to vent one's frustrations that's not the argument that will win the fight, much less the battle. It almost puts us (and by us I mean those who are at the forefront, like you) in the same league as the the guy on the corner with the "The world is ending!!" sign. Kinda. Ok, maybe that's taking it a bit far.

Anyway, as for pats on the back, hell if I could you buy you a beer (or wine, or soda if that's what you're into) to thank you for all the leg work you've done I would. But, alas, I have no idea where you live (not asking :lol: ) and sending the money for something like that just seems lame. :P

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I lived in Northern VA for a bit and would love to go back for a visit, we are now in the good old Hoosier State... when I do head out your way for a visit, I will get ahold of you and we will have that beer... or two... or three... because beer is goooood :) The darker and thicker the better. (I am Irish... what can I say!) Cheers!

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I lived in Northern VA for a bit and would love to go back for a visit, we are now in the good old Hoosier State... when I do head out your way for a visit, I will get ahold of you and we will have that beer... or two... or three... because beer is goooood :) The darker and thicker the better. (I am Irish... what can I say!) Cheers!

That sounds like a plan then!

My liver is Irish, so I got that going for me. Which is nice.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Ben Franklin

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