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I broke down and ordered an Ego-T from Liberty Flights along with a bunch of their clove tobacco juice. I put the order in Friday, but it hasn't been packed/shipped yet. Shipping is cheap though, so I expected as much. But I'm impatient and want it NAO!

I'm hoping I have better luck with VG liquid. Oh, and for those who recall me talking about sore throat/chest.. turns out it was just possibly coincidental. Me and mah daughter are both sick. >.>

Hopefully I get the ego soon, I've heard so much good about it. WOOOO!

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I'm sure you'll like the eGo-T. I haven't tried it, but I haven't heard anything bad about it yet.

Sure glad to hear the sore throat/chest stuff probably wasn't related to vaping, but sorry to hear you two are sick. I hope you both get well very soon.

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I got my Ego-T tank on Friday. It hasn't been flawless, but very good. I did have one leaking cart but I feel it was because I had the atty too tight on the battery. I have used the cart since with no leaking. My advise also is to turn the eGo upside down when switching out carts if they are not completely empty. The taste is good but not quite as good as DD. I basically bought the tank for when I'm unable to drip like driving and will continue to drip when its convenient.

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I ordered my ego T on Friday from Liberty Flights, settling on Steel because the one I wanted (Black) wasn't in stock. Monday, got an email saying Steel was incorrectly added, so I could choose from Titanium or Pink. Titanium certainly isn't my first choice, but I guess I can't complain. Most other places I looked was completely out of stock. I can always order different colored batts later I guess. FINALLY got some info to come up on tracking, hopefully it'll be here tomorrow. Ooooh I can't wait~ everybody seems to love theirs so much.

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Ok guys, I got my ego T (yay!) but I have a question about the charger. The kit didn't come with an instruction manual :veryangry: and I'm not sure how to use the charger. It's green plugged into the usb, and I plugged the batteries up to full charge them before use. The light on the side flashes, then the charger turns red, and flashes green. Does anybody have a link to an instruction manual, or mind telling me what light means what? I tried googling one >.> but couldn't find anything helpful. Thanks in advance!

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Amaranth, the way my eGo charger works sounds similar to yours. When I screw in my battery to the charger, the light on my battery flashes several times. Maybe 5, I have not counted them, then goes out. The light on the charger then changes to red. The light on my charger does not change to green until it is fully charged. If I remember right, I have seen the red light on the charger flicker while it is charging. Hope that helps.

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