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Posts posted by sirvapesalot

  1. so i won the set of mings and the lr atty's from cherry vape this month and received them today and im not so sure about the mings. seems like they're too much trouble theyre too hard to get on and off the atty and it takes too long for the drips to get into the atty itself. has anyone else had this problem and does it get better over time?

  2. well the more i thought about it it was pretty thick when i first got it and didnt have any leaking problems from it but after having it in the heat it thinned out so ill just have to remember to not keep it in the heat lol

  3. i really really like boba's bounty but is there anything i can mix it with to make it a little thicker or something because whenever i use it it seems like i have to clean the connection on my atty and my battery because it leaks. not bad but still leaks.

  4. they say your supposed to keep them wet so is it best to put a few drops in after every few draws or......? if so whats the average amount of draws you should take before putting more in. also im going to be receiving some atty's from ikenvape and some from joye what's your opinions on which is better?

  5. i guess you could classify this as a noobie question lol. but im purchsing a megalodon soon and it comes with 5 cartomizers and i've never used artomizers, so are you only supposed to use 3 drops like a regular atty or do they hold more than that?

  6. i have been using my type b atty and tanks for a while now and could not be happier except for one thing. here lately it has just been randomly leaking after i leave it sit for a while. it leaks from the bottom of the atomizer all over my battery. could it be time for new tanks or is their something wrong with my atty?

  7. im fairly new to vaping (a few months) and im wanting to venture into high voltage vaping. im really looking for a 5v big battery mod to use with a map tank but i dont want it to break the bank. so far i think im going to with a silver bullet but still looking. any suggestions?

  8. i use the type b tanks and im in love with mine......it doesn't leak per say but when you change the tanks out there is a bit of excess juice on the outside of the tank from vaping but aside from that this is what ill use until i can get a 5v device with a map tank (Y)

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