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Posts posted by Fawn

  1. Considering we all are vapo-heads, of course we will all vote yes, but, like everyone else it will be up to the employer.

    Although most juice you cant smell, some you can .. and they smell good.

    I was waiting for my hubby in the car one day when he went in a convienence store. A lady came out of the store and went to the car next to us. She looked at me and said, usually cigarettes smell horrible but that smells so good (was strawberry-kiwi), I laughed, told her it was an electronic cigarette and explained it to her.

    Once it becomes more known, and ppl understand that it doesnt "stink", and there isnt any second hand smoke, I think it will become more used indoors in public areas, including work areas. This could save them some money, no more .. 5 minute quickie smoke breaks lol

  2. VG is also called "glycerol" and glycerol is one of what are called "sugar alcohols", along with sorbitol, manitol and several substances. These sugar alcohols are often used in foods for diabetics because (in theory) "they are not supposed to raise blood sugar". There is however several big "but"s:

    1. Although sugar alcohols are not supposed to raise blood sugar when eaten, in some people they do raise blood sugar. The author of the South Beach Diet talks about how consuming sugar alcohols can sometimes have a negative effect on weight-loss for some people, even when they aren't eating any other carbs, because it does raise their blood sugar.

    2. The other "but" is that while theoretically glycerol isn't supposed to raise blood sugar for most people when you eat it, vaping is "inhaling", not "eating". Vaping VG completely bypasses the gut and goes straight into the bloodstream to the liver to be metabolized. Is the gut the filter that prevents VG from being absorbed into the bloodstream completely for most people? I have no idea. But it is worth some thought.

    3. PG has chemical properties similar to glycerol and many argue that PG should be included as a "sugar alcohol", although it is not officially considered a sugar alcohol now. PG does have calories similar to glycerol and sugar, and is absorbed much the same way.

    Husband is borderline diabetic, so I've had to do a little research on sugar & sugar alcohols, but I never put it together in my head re vaping before now.

    wow great research, and i am sure that is what the problem is. sounds like pg would pretty much be the same as vg for her. Thank you so much for that info, i will pass that all on to her.

  3. I have type 2 Diabetes as well, and i havent noticed a peak in my levels. Hmmmm. Some people may just react to it differently. Yeah, 247 is not good. Your sugar level should be the same number as your systolic reading on your blood pressure, that is - between 100 and 120 is good. anything higher is not good, and anything lower is REALLY not good.

    Hi Keenan,

    do you have Pg or Vg in your liquid? and do you use insulin? .. she has always controlled it with out insulin, and we still are not 100% certain that the liquid is the problem, but so far that seems to be it. It would be interesting to see how she reacts to pg instead of vg, but she has always had the vg, since thats what i use, although i am considering changing to just buying my liquid now, this has me all upset. Im glad you havent had any problems and its true she may react differently to it. the dr told her he wants her bp at 110, lol right in the middle of where you said.

  4. Welcome to the forum Fawn !

    Yunno, I think the problem could be with the flavoring not the VG.... I could be wrong. Flavoring can have a lot of sugar in it !

    Walmart has a brand of VG called "Humco" (It's in the pharmacy section). I put a post in the DIY section that shows a breakdown of the make up of this product... done by a Pharmacist. It's apparently just vegetable glycerin and a little water... That might offer some info.

    Also you may learn more about sugar content in that section.

    Hey thanks, Ive been on for a while, i just never talk lol, but that is the vg i get, i even called the lab that makes it, they dont add sugar or sweetner, and they said that it is not only pure vegetable glycerin, but also is kosher, my concern about that is natural sweetness. the lab did say it is naturally sweet. Not unlike lets say apples which are naturally sweet and not something diabetics can eat. If you put a tiny taste of vg on your tongue, it is veryyyyyyy sweet. I buy lorann's flavorings, which contains no sugars or sweetners, lol reading right off the box.

    I am really worried about her. while her diabetes was so high she got a spider bite on her elbow, and it got infected .. she only went to the dr the other day, not knowing it was infected and the infection is in the bone, so the dr is sending her to an orthopedic dr, who may likely amputate if the antibiotics dont work.

    If all this had not happened you may never had heard from me lol, im more of a reader than a writer.

    But this is something that diabetics need to look for if they are vaping.

  5. Just something to watch out for. My neighbor has type 2 diabetes. She always has been able to keep it under control with diet and exercize, and never has used insulin.

    Since she has been vaping she has not been able to keep her blood sugar under control. 2 days ago she asked me if there is sugar in vg. I went as far as to call the company and talk to the lab, no they dont add sugar or sweetner but vg is naturally sweet. (I make my own liquid and use vg and i share my liquid with her)

    She quit vaping yesterday and her blood sugar level dropped from 248 to 147, not low enuff yet the dr said it needs to be down to 110, but 100 pt drop and all she changed was she stopped vaping says something.

    I am not sure how pg affects blood sugar levels, and not even sure if the vg is doing it to her, just i can see what has happened to her, and how it dropped with the only change being not vaping ...

    Vg is naturally sweet, i assume pg is also but i could be wrong, she would like an alternative something that wont spike her sugar, but is a bit scared now.

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