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Posts posted by dbitton

  1. I'm with ya Poppa, That's what I was saying... if you grew up with twist tobacco, which I'm familiar with, the tobacco probably wasn't treated with chemicals, fertilizer, insecticides.. etc. Now a days I'm sure it is! And therefore even worse for you than it use to be... I know some chew now has fiberglass in it to help the nicotine into the bloodstream, I use to use the leaf style chew on occasion like Red Man..(in company vehicles, or airplanes), and even that is worse than "backyard grown" tobacco. All the big tobacco companies use additives to make the tobacco as addictive as possible.

  2. Nope not rambling - true life experiences are great.

    the only thing I would be concerned with is the real tobacco aspect. Not just monitoring how much nicotine we get but what about the carcinogens, isn't that somewhat why we use ecigs? Where do the carcinogens come from in real cigs? is it additives/processing/paper or all including the actual tobacco? Chewin' Tobacco has been proven to cause mouth cancer, hasn't it?

    I believe e-cig nicotine is coming from vegetable matter, such as peppers.

    Without researching, I would suspect that there is a chance some of the carcinogens come from crop treatments, and probably most from cigarette production, paper production, glue... etc. ? I don't think that the tobacco from yesterday as Poppa speaks of is even in the same category as tobacco of today, it's just how it goes... as with everything that continually becomes more process and less natural.

  3. Anyone know the shelf life of Johson's Creek? or Totally Wicked?

    Not sure of the bottled liquids, but my Npro carts came stamped with an ex. date of 2012 I believe... Actually, I just looked at my bottle of TW and on the bottom right corner of the warning label (next to the dead fish) lol it says: "use by 01-10-2011"

  4. Hey all,

    I was just looking over the TW forums and Jason (Pillbox38) says today that all shipping has stopped from H.K. All orders en-route are being returned. We all know that MOST of the e-cigs are made in China, therefore exported through H.K. Now that they've halted all shipments, it's basically what's in stock at your American suppliers, which will run out quickly I'm guessing.... Jason said he's got something in the works to attempt to get around the all stop, but shipping cost will rise if he has to ship from


    Any word from you're end? Here's the post:



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    Hong Kong. Has banned all exportation of E.Cigs.

    « on: Today at 05:27:51 am »

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    Last week i was informed that the Honk Kong government had banned all exportation of e cigs and fluids. In effect throttling the supply worldwide. Up till now i thought that this was a gesture they would not follow up with any commitment.

    All 3 of my suppliers are having their goods returned to them. We are currently trying to find new ways to import the goods but i think it might be fair to expect a drying up of Supplies in the short term.

    I believe that Tobacco companies and world government pressure is being exerted on HK to do this. In effect, if the distribution of Electronic Cigarettes and Nicotine cartridges and fluid is choked at its exit point..IE Hong Kong then we have no product..



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    Re: Hong Kong. Has banned all exportation of E.Cigs.

    « Reply #9 on: Today at 06:49:51 am »

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    China is ok, i cannot see China banning them far from it. The issue is getting out of China, one thing with the Chinese though is they will not ship fluid from China itself..It appears their Government dont like this.

    Cigs can be fingers crossed shipped from Beijing direct to Manchester. This is using Air freight, shipping takes longer and i have to mess about with customs clearance myself so its a nuisance..But this is what we are working on currently.

    USA orders i will bring in through the UK and then Re ship to the States myself..It pushes the cost up as im paying shipping and duties twice. Its either that or dont bother..

  5. Alright.... Possible scenario: Girl steals car, girl runs from cops in stolen car, girl crashes car, cops get girl, girl is a complete ***** to cops on site and during ride to jail...

    I don't know what happen before this holding cell video was captured, but this is OBVIOUS over kill and I think the cop that beat her up should not only be terminated from his post, but should be duct taped naked to a street sign in the ghetto with a sign on his chest that reads "I BEAT YOUR DAUGHTER LIKE A MAN".

    Police are people. There are good people and bad people. This guy is not a good people. I bet this cop beats his wife and kids like that on a daily basis.

    My Father and Uncle are both cops in IL, they fly helicopters when they're not working the street. You could throw your shoes at either one of them all day long and they wouldn't treat you like this *** hole did the girl.

    The cops are trained to meet force with force, yes, but there are several degrees of force to consider. If the girl had punched the cop in the face and was completely combative, through the whole booking process, than what happened in the vid would have been warranted. In this case, the cop told the girl to enter the cell and take off her shoes (I might know the routine from prior life experience), she is a smart *** kid and kicked her shoe off, the cop who is completely out of line reacted to that out of anger and used a level of force FAAAAR beyond the "legal" boundaries of a person in a position of authority. Even if the girl resisted once she was on the floor the cop had no right to lay three more punches to her head! I'm going to say that the girl was temporarily unconscious judging by her legs while the cuffs were going on.

    I have had the pleasure of being "bullied" by cops personally, and I'm far past my hey days.... I was in St. Louis when my boss got pulled over for DUI, we were on our way to his uncle's house where we were going to target shoot in his range. I had a pistol with me, carried in legal fashion i.e. unloaded, locked in box, ammo in separate locked compartment, as the law states. As soon as I told the cops there was a pistol in the truck I was thrown against the cop car, called a "gang banger", was told my gun was illegal, that I had a silencer somewhere for it, called a "punk ***". I said nothing but "yes sir, no sir" the whole time, and when I told one of the officers that I was not a gang banger and tried to hand him the receipt, and business card of the shop I bought the gun from they informed me that I had an attitude problem, and that they were going to "adjust my attitude" here, then they would "take turns adjusting my attitude back at the station". One of the cops tried to choke me, shoving his fingers into my neck while I stood there as calm as possible IN HANDCUFFS. My father wanted a lawsuit, I didn't. BUT I would be lying if I said that an experience like that doesn't change your feelings about police. I've never felt quite so helpless, those cops could have done whatever they wanted and it would have been my word against theirs, (and the bruises on my neck), they also made sure to do this behind the cop car so as not to catch it on video.

    There are good people who do lots of good as officers, these guys weren't, they were highschool bullies.

    I also grew up with a friend who didn't have a father in the picture. I found out from his mother that the father worshiped Satan and use to bind her and the kids to chairs and hold loaded guns to their heads, amongst lots of other crazy ****. The father is to this day a sergeant of police somewhere in WI!

    If you notice: the second cop in the video suddenly realizes that the first cop is out of his mind and kneels back, you can tell he himself can't believe what's going on... hopefully he spoke up afterward about his partner's true character traits and the fact that he should not be an officer of the law. And picking the girl up by her hair?? just goes to show how bad the dude's anger problems are.... standard procedure is to lift her up by her arms once handcuffed, which still hurts and helps to stress the fact that the officer is in control. This douchebag got a kick out of mad handling a little girl. he should be publicly flogged.

    I'm 6'3" and 220lbs, I have tattoos. Even though I'd like to think I'm a good guy, I can understand a cop possibly feeling apprehensive with me, I'm always sure to be as polite as possible because of that. I should have sued the St. Louis cops that tossed me around (I hope they felt like big men), but I believe in Carma.

    It's true that by touching an officer you can be charged with assault, but that holds true for ANYONE, assault is assault, it doesn't matter if your a cop or not! I hope everyone realizes that anyone can be arrested for anything at any time! It doesn't take much for a bad cop to make a case... and win. It's only because I'm lucky enough to know so many good cops that I know without a doubt that the cop in this video is a waste of tax money and air.

    Mike Bitton is my Father, here is LEAC's site.

  6. Oh I thought your batteries died completely(meaning you couldn't use them). 4 hours sounds about right for your NPRO's runtime. If your going to be smoking that much then I'd definitely suggest getting an extra battery. You may also want to look into getting a Penstyle in the future. It's much larger and doesn't have that "cool" look, but the batter life on it is awesome.

    For those of you unaware make sure your initial charge is about 6-8 hours. (Some say 10 I don't think it's needed) This is important to help maintain the life of the battery.

    I have a 901 on order...still waiting, I'm planing on ordering a "Titan" Monday.. along with extra atomizers, batteries, and juices to stock my toolbox! lol I'll probably also end up with a pen, and possibly a screwdriver before it's all said and done, matter of fact, I'll have to get all the different colors then too!

    Needless to say, I'm not saving money on smoking yet, I've just adopted a new hobby! lol

    -- As far as dealing with drunks... funny how irritating that is when you're sober! Not nearly as bad when you're part of the crowd. And the hangover.... well, at last count I drank 4 Redbulls accompanied by a full bottle of Southern Comfort, 6 jeager bombs, 2 "mystery shots", and 2 miniature bud light bottles! If you can come way from that unscathed, you aren't human! LOL I also try to take advil, drink water, and eat before bed... sometimes it's just too far gone. Good thing is that I probably won't have to drink again for a month! :P

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