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Posts posted by STEALTH

  1. .... As mentioned in an earlier post a few pages back, a Juice Underground will evolve. Perhaps the smaller companies can still offer Zero Nic flavors to which we add the nicotene ourselves, thereby all we need to try to purchase nic juice say from China or elsewhere as in the Underground. If so at least maybe only once or twice a year we would have to seek it out even if illegally. It seems like one can buy anything online if one really wants to make the effort.

  2. ... This company already has a fine reputation so I don't mean to be repetitive, but in my experience with eight or nine of their liquids, I can say they have a real quality product. For those of us that like SWEET liquids they are the best. Also in my dealing with them, (customer service), they are attentive and helpful and PROMPT in resonse to any request.

    Just remember their address is sweet-vapes.com which is different from sweetvapes.com, which is another fine company, just not the one I am reviewing here.....

    ...............Also I'm sorry I mispelled LIQUID in the Topic line .........Just the worst typist in the world..

  3. ...As for my opinion, (just to add viewpoints to the many valid and interesting ones here),we all know that everything that comes out is hyped to be the FINAL solution to all of our vaping problems. Remember when clearomizers were going to change everything? That lasted until we all ordered them and began cutting wicks, running to the supermarket for PTB's,attaching giant 5 and 10 mil tanks to them,and so on.

    That being said, everytime I buy another mod , the ali, reo, old goat,juice box, and soon the eclipse, I think of the 400 bucks a month my wife and I spent on analogs EVERY MONTH FOR YEARS AND YEARS, this latest 300 buck venture is less than a drop in the bucket.

    The reason I dont wait for reviews before deciding what to get is because what someone says is the greatest thing since the wheel, may not be right for me (personal likes and dislikes). My hope, like yours, is that the next release will be the perfect solution to all the downfalls of previous items available.

    Anyway, I enjoy reading all your comments pro or con, supportive or critical.

    ...Take care...

  4. Since I can't post to the correct forum I'll make my comment here....This is a new electronic, computer chip controlled juice fed system due to be released any day now for a cost of $300. Many people say that 300 bucks for a juice feeder is crazy. I disagree....If i think of the thousands of dollars I have spent on analogs over the years, this is not even a drop in the bucket. I am hoping to get one as soon as they are available. Automatic juice feeding, along with many other attractive features make it worth a try for me IMO.

    Search for eclipse e cig in google and check it out, or read the thread here in another area(that I cant post to until I have more posts)

  5. Yes, right now I am having better luck with the LR510 than I did with the LR306 (with drip tip). I guess I didn't give the LR306 the proper break-in time, as Bird suggested. So after the 510 that I'm using runs out, I will try it again. Thank you both for your responses. I am very happy with my Old Goat Mod and probably will look into his 3.7 Big Box in the near future. One can never have too many of these items!

  6. ...Today March 21 I received my Oldgoat bottom feeder and cisco style 306 atty. The bottomfeeder is great and I am very satisfied with the quality and appearance and function of it. My request for advice concerns the lr306 atty. I am having trouble getting it to draw properly. It is hard to draw and produces little vapor when compared to a 510 lr that I have on it now. Any suggestions would be helpful to me. Do the lr306 draw harder (with less airflow) when compared to a lr510 or is it just something I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your feedback.


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