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Posts posted by CareteamRN70

  1. Okay, so I go out and buy a bottle of Wiltons Glycerine at Hobby Lobby for $2 for 2 oz. in anticipation of getting flavors to mix.

    In the mean time I have an few ML of Frosty Chocolate Mint the wife got thinking she would like it but decided it was too harsh and she saw

    the nicotine level was 36mg which she worried was too high.

    I decided to experiment and added 3Ml of the Frosty Mint Chocolate to 1Ml of the glycerine. Not knowing what the original PG/VG ratio was I can only guess.

    Well after adding and mixing I have an e-liquid that has toned down the flavor a tad, is no longer harsh..very smooth is the word that comes to mind, and yes the vapor production is noticably increased on my 510. All In All I would say this a success. The only problem I have is the disapointment I get when my cart is getting low..the smooth flavor and inhalation comes to an abrupt end with that tell tale "burning-chemical-hot metal-acrid" taste..top off my cart..prime my atty with a drop and I'm good to go again.

    I didnt use anything else to thin the mix and I do notice the new mix is "thicker" then the original e-juice. Not really a problem but it doesn't quite absorb well into an old, not clean poly fill cart like mine..so Im lucky to get a few drops in, which is just fine for quite a few inhalations.

    More experimental notes later as I get braver..and get better access to flavors, nic bases, PG, bottles, etc.

    Big J

  2. Thanks Gent and Lady, Mum decided to go with Totally Wicked and got herself a minikit and a bottle of juice to test their service and shipping. I'll let the boards know how it goes for her. She was so excited to place her order she did so before my email got back to her with a promo code for 7.5% off :wallbash:

    again thanks for the quick info.

    Big J

  3. Well, I got my mother to try an e-cig (Joye 510)and she loves it but she lives in Northern Indiana and the only shops that carry e-cigs are those truckstops/tobacco shops that sell the disposable things like NJOY etc. Mum cut up all her credit cards when the economy started to tank and hasnt gotten another and buys most of her online purchases with paypal.

    So if anyone knows of a supplier or shop that accepts paypal please reply.

    Big J

  4. Okay from the few post I have made most can see that if it is possible to overcomplicate a simple procedure...I'll find a way to do it.

    I am looking forward to mixing my first DIY juices, and I am sure that among all the various flavors available I could probably mix to my heart contents for a long, long, time...but...

    I am very curious about creating my own base flavoring agents. I have seen some mention of boiling and condensing pipe tobacco for some really edgy flavors, as well as doing the same with various brands of alcohol, teas, coffees, lawn clippings, great Aunt Gerties cremated remains, thats green and black fuzzy stuff thats been sitting in the back of the fridge since 1988, great Aunt Gerties undies that should have been cremated with her but weren't, left over pizza slices found in the couch cushions, etc..basicly anything that can be condensed down to just a flavor agent,

    I know the simple answer is...buy premade food flavors...but dang it that doesn't sooth the mad scientist, homebrewer, pathological ruiner of betty crocker recipes that I am.

    soooo...any advice, quickie hints, tips, recipes, web addys where I might find some info on this subject?

    Look at it this way..I am going to post what I do..I am going to post anything taht turns out well...and for your humor and delight I will post every 5ml bottle of

    "essence of c-diff" :nuke: (other nurses should appreciate that) that I create.

    I allready have some flavor ideas in mind...heck I've even come up with some "names" for the flavors...double heck some of em I cam up with the name first and figured out what flavors would best exemplify that name. So for fun and giggles set me off on my fools errand and lets see what kinda mess I can Make.

  5. It is amazing how much your own personality can dictate outcomes. Now I love to tinker with things. I'm the guy that likes to install his own computer hardware upgrades, refuses to call a plumber when I need to fix the drain, and will try every remedy known to man for any health problems before I see a doctor.

    Unfortunately I am not as skilled as I would like to be and I tend to always get a succesful outcome..only to blow it by taking it that one step further then I should. Hey I added a new graphics card to the PC....lets see if i can set it up for overclocking (result: burned out card, lets see If I can change my own oil..and while Im under the hood tinker with a few other things (result: the car runs...but I have several parts lying around now that I have no idea where they go or what they do)...Im gonna cook some chili..and while Im at it I bet I can dry and add my own ghost chilis for a little extra flavor (result: something between napalm and drano).

    So it should come as no surprise I managed to watch some videos on debridging my 510 atty. I closely followed the instructions...and to my pleasure managed to debridge the atty and get a lot more vapor for my dripping endeavours...but of course I just couldnt stop there..figured I'd dewick my atty as well...not knowing that I had basicly done that when I debridged the atty the wick had pulled out with the foil and bridge..so end result after picking at what I now assume was the actual coil...dead atty. At least the learning curve I am hitting isn't that steep, really isn't that costly (VS a new car, computer, or ER visit due to the liquid death I call chili), and I have many great resources in this site to guide me. Instead of getting angry I am enjoying the mixed success I have found, and am likening vaping to a a combination of science and art...science due to the basics rules that seem to apply to vaping and the art comes in because of the mixed and variable results that can occur. So my advice to other noobs such as myself...if ya can chuckle at a couple dollars loss, experiment..its worthwhile even when you goof up.

    Big J

    Semper Fi

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