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Posts posted by holmes182

  1. Yeah it's like we're living in a fascist regime down here! We can't even get an R18+ classification for video games because of one politician who blocks it every time it tries to get introduced. Think we're just gonna have to wait for him to retire or die!

    The government's also trialing a mandatory internet filter which will block access to certain sites that are sexually explicit and ones that involve children. They've got a blacklist of banned sites but wont tell anybody what they are, which also means they can block out anything they don't deem appropriate. It's ridiculous! Some pre-tests show that it could slow down our internet speeds by up to 87%!!! Pretty sure this internet filter wont eventuate though, so many people are against. But if it did go through, it would put us in the same league as countries like China and Iran!

    Lucky it's such a beautiful country, or else i'd definitely move somewhere where we have more rights and personal freedom!

  2. Here's an article from December about e-cigs being banned in Victoria despite claims of how many people have successfully used the product to quit smoking.................


    QUOTE: BATTERY-powered cigarettes, sold as a "healthier alternative" and a way to beat smoking bans, will be outlawed in Victoria from Friday.

    Distributors say electronic cigarettes have been used by up to 10,000 Victorians since they hit the market a year ago.

    Looks like the website http://www.egar.com.au/ that is quoted in the article is only selling sweet vapour cartridges now which contain no nicotine.

  3. Cheers mate.

    Yeah i'd read a couple of articles about the e-cigs being banned in Australia so was a little apprehensive about the whole thing, emailed the company on Sunday and got a reply about 3 hours later. They informed me that it's only 1 state that has banned them so far which is Victoria (that's where Melbourne is). The company is also based in Australia, somewhere near Sydney I think, so product should arrive at my place within the week.

    These guys also had a store on Ebay, but have obviously had to close due to Ebay's policies. They only sell the cartridges as opposed to the juice so may have to look into importing a little further down the track. I did check out the Australian Customs website too and didn't see anything about these items being banned.

    Will keep you guys posted about what's happening downunder!

  4. Hey guys,

    Only just found out about these electronic cigarettes while browsing the web a couple of days ago. Have ordered a starter kit today so hopefully by the end of the week i'll be smokin it up!

    I'm in Australia and I could only find 2 websites that sell them over here. One of them was a .com site so I reckon they'd be shipped from overseas anyway. Here's the link to the one i've ordered:


    Are any of you guys familiar with this brand of e-cig? There was only 1 type to choose from so that was an easy decision. Also wondering if other cartridges would be compatible with it? If it goes alright i'd probably look at refilling cartridges myself.

    Will post a review once the package arrives kolobok_cool.gif

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