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Posts posted by pipedreamer79

  1. If I'm going to upgrade from the Lavatube, then it'll definitely be the Provari... I almost got the Provari but talked myself into the Lavatube because it was cheaper, and I was afraid that VV vaping wouldn't give me what I still felt I was missing from an analog.

  2. So I bought the Lavatube and am mostly pleased with it... There were a couple of minor cosmetic imperfections that bothered me, and I'd like it a lot more if it had aluminum end caps instead of cheap plastic that's painted silver.

    It works just like I hoped it would, and after playing with variable voltage over the last few days I can never see myself confining myself to 3.7V ever again, but I think when this Lavatube craps out I'm going to pony up for the Provari.

  3. FYI, I ordered a Lavatube and I'm very happy with it so far.

    The only gripes I have are strictly cosmetic--the corner of the tiny little glass voltage display was chipped off, and there's some sort of weird scuff/scratch about the size of a penny towards the top of the tube.

    I would have liked the end caps to be made of aluminum or steel, but hey, it's a $70 VV mod.

    It performs just like I hoped it would. Right now I've got a dual-coil carto from SmokTech w/ a J-Tank on it, running at 6V, cranking out massive amounts of tasty vapor.

    I can run a low-res carto on it at about 4.4V to achieve that somewhat harsh full-flavored analog drag that I've been missing since I started vaping.

  4. So I'm the proud owner of a Volcano Lavatube, and I just picked up a handful of the SmokTech shorty dual-coil cartos and I want to use one with my Vapinator tank... Do I need to Dremel another couple of notches about halfway between the lower notches and where the top seal on the tank is? Do I even need to put in more notches?

    Also, what would be a good voltage to use with these dual-coil cartos? Should I treat them as a standard-res cartos, low res, high res?

    I've read the Electronics 101 pinned thread at the top, but I'm hoping for some people to post their personal preferences here as to what voltage they like to use with which cartos and with which flavors... I've used low-res cartos with my eGo, but gathered that there's no need to use low-res cartos with high-voltage; what are your opinions on what is the most voltage you can use with a low-res and still get a good (and safe!) vaping experience? I've found myself to be mostly happy w/ low-res cartos at 3.7V, but am hoping I can try and push them up to the 4.5V range and get that extra bit of monster vapor production out of them that I feel like I've been missing that can simulate the analog hit that I've been searching for since I started vaping.

    Any suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance!

  5. I do think that if I'm going to pony up once and know I'll be satisfied with my purchase for a very long time, I wouldn't be opposed to ponying up $160 to get going, any price is worth it if it will give me that last bit that I feel I'm still missing from analogs.

    I've experimented a bit with the different juices, and I by far like the "renu blend" from vaporrenew.com (55%PG/38%VG/7% electrolytes/papaya leaf extract). My favorite flavors are Creme de Menthe, Menthol, and any of the coffee flavors.

  6. Thanks for all of the suggestions, folks :)

    What are the differences between the Lavatube and, say, the iPro? I don't really want to "try out" VV vaping--after trying my friend's 5v box mod, I know that it's going to work well for me--I don't want to get something that is mostly what I want, I want something that is exactly what I want, and I won't be left thinking, "Well this is pretty nice, but I bet this (insert various other VV mod here) is even better."

    Also, I'm curious--is this Volcano brand the same company that makes the big pyramid-shaped vaporizers that are generally used for, well um--'other smokeables than tobacco'? If so, I was very impressed by the Volcano vaporizer I've seen before, and that would definitely be a factor in determining which mod to try out.

  7. I rarely use actual atomizers (I'm not much on dripping), and have pretty much used cartos ever since I switched to vaping. I've never tried anything but the 510, are there advantages to using other setups (306, etc)? I've used LR cartos for a while, and also use the vapinator external tank mod (which I absolutely love!).

    Why have you tried to use lower voltages? Is the vapor less harsh that way (I'm not much on a big throat hit, more into clouds of vapor) or do you try lower voltages to preserve your battery life?

  8. Okay, so I'm in the market for a VV mod (my first step up from the eGo I started out with a year ago), and after looking this thing over, I'm really interested...

    Has anyone by chance ever tried one of the monster attys with this thing? I have a monster atty that I've used with my eGo and wasn't impressed, but I'm betting a high-voltage mod would really make that thing crank out some vapor...

    For $235 (including the charger, 18650 extension and 3 batteries), I'm really hesitant to pull the trigger on something so expensive, but if this is the holy grail of PV mods and is something I won't need to replace for a very long time, then I can suck it up and deal with it.

  9. So I've been vaping for just about a year now, and I'm really enjoying it. Yes, there's been a couple of short relapses to analogs, but they're short-lived. I've tried to figure out what it is that makes me relapse, and I've nailed it down to one thing--the vaporizer doesn't hit like an analog. If I take a nice long 8-10 second pull it comes close to the amount of vapor I'm wanting, but I want to be able to get that much vapor from a 3 second drag.

    I've been using an eGo w/ low-res cartos, and that suffices for the most part. However, I want something that hits like a cigar. I know there are a variety of different mods out there, but I don't have enough disposable income to try 2-3 different things until I find what I really like.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what they think would give me what I'm looking for? From what I've been able to read, a higher voltage mod seems to be the way to go, is there a big difference between a 5v and something greater? What are VV mods handy for, and why would you want to vape at different voltages in the first place? What sorts of cartos should I use with which voltage? Dual-coil, high-res, low-res, standard-res?

    Help me out!

  10. I just recently bought an eGo passthrough, and this is the first battery I've had with the 5-click protection. I had to do the 5-click thing to get the battery to work the first time, but I can't get it to turn off in the same fashion. Am I misunderstanding how you have to turn the thing off? Something is happening with it in my pocket on occasion to make it turn off, and I have to click 5 times to get it to come on again, but I can't figure out how to make it turn off on command.

    Anyone have any suggestions as to what the problem could be? Thanks!

  11. Hey folks,

    I'm a happy vaper for going on 5 months now, and one of my spare eGo batteries finally went out on me. I've been looking around for a replacement, and I want to get a passthrough I believe. Thing is, I found a 1000mah passthrough, but it's an eGo-T... What's the difference between a plain ol' eGo battery, and an eGo-T battery? I'm not really interested in trying the tank system at the time, can I use my 510 LR cartomizers on the eGo-T battery?

    I'm just not sure about the compatibility issues, and I don't want to spend the money on a battery and realize after I get it that won't work for my setup because I don't have any tank accessories.

    Thanks in advance!

  12. Well, since the consensus so far is "don't vape oil", I'll bite -- why?

    Aside from the whole burning up attys thing, and the lipoid pneumonia, what other threats are there? Are these threats that exist with any oil at all, or only specific ones? If so, then I know quite a few people who are in trouble, because a lot of my friends are into holistic/herbal cures, and putting peppermint oil into boiling water and inhaling the vapors is a very common thing to do whenever you have head/chest congestion.

    The problem is, I don't want just a straight 'menthol' taste... I was a Marlboro Smooth smoker from the time those came out, and I greatly enjoyed them BECAUSE of the smooth-yet-stout peppermint bite.

  13. Coming from someone with eosinophilic granuloma of the lungs, I ask do you really want to run the risk of vaping oil? Pneumonia is not the only possible effect you should fear. Please think again before you start DIY juice making and closely follow directions. Your health is precious and something small and seemingly inconsequential such as vaping peppermint oil can have catastrophic effects.

    I realize you don't need a mom, but please think again about your choices. Best wishes Nina

    If this is the case, and vaping peppermint oil is such a terrible thing, then I am already screwed, because I've been boiling and inhaling peppermint oil for years...

    I'm not looking to do this with other oils -- just peppermint. I just see no reason to use an imitation peppermint flavor whenever I've been using the real deal for years when I'm suffering from nasal/chest congestion with no ill effects.

    To be quite frank, I'd rather vape a tiny amount of peppermint oil and have my menthol craving truly indulged, rather than go back to menthol analogs... Marlboro Smooths have been the only thing that have really satisfied my menthol craving, and while I've managed to distract myself with the flavor of the Creme de Menthe and Doublemint Gum e-juices, I really miss that minty burn that is lacking in those juices.

  14. Once again, I disagree... Never say never! Peppermint oil has been inhaled for many, many years. I'm simply going to use the peppermint oil, and any attempts to dissuade me from doing so is an exercise in futility. I've done my research enough to know that using peppermint oil is not going to hurt me.

    Thanks for the pointer on doing things on a smaller scale, I'll make sure and do that before tweaking the whole bottle.

  15. I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree.

    In most cases, yes, you're right -- oil-based shouldn't be used, but this is peppermint oil we're talking about here. People have been boiling and inhaling peppermint oil for its expectorant qualities for a very long time. In fact, during cold/flu season in our house, my wife and I frequently end up using her facial spa steamer, and putting peppermint oil in it and inhaling the vapors to help break up nasal/chest congestion.

    There is no danger of developing the feared lipoid pneumonia, because in essential oils like peppermint, there are no lipids involved.

  16. Okay, so I've been contemplating getting into DIY for a month or so now (I've only been vaping about 2 months now), but haven't had a reason to go altering flavors. I get my juice from Vaporrenu, and have been very happy with everything I've gotten from them, until today.

    I ordered a peppermint juice, with a double-shot of flavor, expecting it to be a very stout mint. I tried their Creme de Menthe and Doublemint Gum flavors and was satisfied with them, but I can barely smell the peppermint in this particular juice, and have been wondering if I can doctor it up with some peppermint essential oil.

    I've been reading as much as I can, and have read that oil flavorings can foul attys, and don't mix with juice, which is water based. I think I'm going to get a tiny bottle of Everclear (PGA) to dissolve the oil in (1:1 ratio), and then add it to the bottle.

    For anyone that's willing to offer advice, how much should I start with? I don't have a pipette, but I do have a syringe. The bottle of peppermint juice I have now is 30ml, how much should I try adding for starters? I know you've gotta take it easy with menthol flavors, because a little goes a long way, but if someone that's tried this or something similar could give me a ballpark estimate as to where to begin, I'd be most appreciative!

    By the way, the blend of the juice is the "Renu blend", which according to their website is 55% PG, 38% VG, 7% electrolytes/papaya leaf extract (sweetener).

    Thanks in advance!

  17. A bump for this thread...

    I ordered 10 of these, just got them today. First impression is fantastic, I love them. Holds plenty of liquid, plenty of vapor. No signs of leaks so far, but I just got them today. I'll live with them for a while and see what I think.

    Definitely worth a shot if you're intrigued by them.

  18. Got my LR cartos today -- LOVE THEM! Wow, do they crank out the vapor. The vapor is significantly hotter, but oh well. Now, to see how long these things last.

    If anyone has been on the fence about trying these out, pick up a 5 pack, I bet you'll be glad you did.

  19. I'm new to vaping, and have really taken to the Boge soft tip cartos... I started with a 5 pk of the standard ones, and have enjoyed them so much that I just ordered 15 of the LR Boges. Can't wait to get them and try them out!

    As far as the carto life goes, what I've done so far is made it a point to keep the filler inside of it moist... I designate 1 carto per flavor, and then put them in their little condom thingies (who decided to call the rubber case a "condom", lol) and keep them in my pocket, for quick flavor changes throughout the day. I've been using the same carto for my 'ecto-cooler' juice (orange/tangerine, just like the old Hi-C flavor I remember when I was a kid) from vaporrenu for 10 days now and it's showing no signs of slowing down. I'm too cheap to throw these things away before they stop working, so I fully anticipate using it until it either starts tasting like crap and can't boil them out anymore, or they burn out.

    I look forward to seeing the difference between the standard carto and the LR one. Thankfully my eGo has 2 mega-batteries so I don't have to worry about draining them down at an inconvenient time.

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