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Posts posted by Vacker1229

  1. Interesting, the Prado giveaway never stops!

    I just got a text on my phone from 573-529-4593 that says,

    Hey Valerie, not sure if you or anyone you know still smokes. But www.ecigsblahblahblahfreedotcom is giving away free e-cig trials. Mike.

    So who the hell is this? I googled the phone number coming from MO and they are affiliated with Prado!! What crap that they got my mobile number from someone I buy ecig stuff from. I would like to know who sold their list of customer contacts.

    Let me know your thoughts as to how else they could have gotten my mobile number AND that I buy ecig supplies.

  2. Here is something I saw in my searching in depth.

    "Chief Butch Parker of the North Bay Fire District responded to the call. "I have never heard of or seen anything like this before," Parker told ABCNews.com. Although the battery was unrecognizable after the incident, Parker reported finding several 3.0 volt CR123A type batteries charging in the room along with a scorched battery case that appeared to be one for a cigar-sized device.

    Although the investigation is still not concluded, the battery type and "cigar" appearance of the device indicate Holloway may have been using a custom made "mod" or modified electronic cigarette utilizing stacked batteries similar to a flashlight. These devices are unlike more popular mini e-cigs which have built in digital monitoring and protections."

  3. yep - cigar-sized battery - this clearly sounds like a mod for his at home vapeing. The article also mentioned the guy wanted to keep the casing for "perhaps" any litigation. Good luck to him, hope he didn't tinker around with the product cuz that could pose a problem with a costly law suit. He will have enough to worry about with the medical and dental costs. Hopefully he heals quickly.

    Hmm, put the fire out with salt, makes me think it wasn't too big a fire cuz I wouldn't waste my time with just salt. Didn't they have a fire extinquisher in the house. I do!

  4. right now he is not replying to anyone, so either he didn't take his laptop or phone in the ambulance, or he doesn't care to discuss as of yet. His daughter has done some 'thank you for the kind words' on his FB page but that is all. FB may not be the proper avenue to address this, particularly if litigation may be pending. The medical bills may be high due to reconstructive surgery if needed.

  5. I really don't think the media will let us know, I do believe that they will print whatever sells their rag. Right now only Tom Holloway knows and he most likely isn't doin' much talking, and certainly no one investigating knows one model from another. One bit o' press said his son talked with him on the phone. Another bit o' press says there was a recharging station in the room which could somewhat identify the model. If he was using a mod then he may not want to admit he tapered/toyed with something to get just a little bit more vapor. But again, the press eats this type of stuff up and probably wants to tie this story to all the FDA crap of the past. Like it's a real menace to society and you heard it on WKRAP TV first. blah blah blah..

  6. there are so many stories, but any way you look at it - it was a horrible incident. Not to mention this will impact us all. I did find him on FB and saw a lot of 'well wishes' for a speedy recovery. I also glanced at his photos and in one photo loaded 12/27/11 he is with a young bride (daughter?) and in his pocket is a penstyle perhaps a 901 or 510xl cuz it is kinda long but not 801 long. Of course that doesn't mean that is what he was using at the time of the accident. Currenly there are over 300 published news links. This definately isn't good for ecigs. I have already had people come to me here at the office and are concerned about mine and all i use here is a 901. I do try to be somewhat discreet -_-

  7. That sucks!! I have been vaping in my cubicle at work for over 2 years, yet I am always discreet. Don't care for drama. In all this time, most here do know that I vape and are very happy I have given up analogs -- including the Sr Dir of HR, and my 4 VPs. I do my best to not provoke any negative reactions, as this is what I do -- not what I am. I just try to be mindful to keep my habits to myself, as some do-gooders are just too blasted ignorant to understand yet love drama.

    This thread has alot of feedback and is useful information going forward. Anti Smoking/Anti Vaping/Argumentative SOBs

  8. Funny how they are concerned about you smoking anything, but don't bother to ask if you burn candles on a frequently. Nice to see you again. How is that doggie of yours?

    My little doggie is doing grrrrrrreat!!. I have been just too dang busy to check in all the time.

    re: my agent, she is a pain. Who knows what she was thinking about the smoking question. As she was leaving the house she made note of a tiny mark on the side of my car and actually took a picture when it shouldn't matter cuz I only have liability (no collision) on that clunker. She is a knuckle-head, Heck i didn't ask her if she has still smokes weed :police: !!

  9. I consider myself a nonsmoker and when I am asked if I smoke, I say no. Some life insurance policies will require a physical or blood draw. If this is required it is possible it could detect the nicotine in your system and they might classify you as a smoker. If you do a search on the forum there has been lengthy discussion about this subject.

    with my life insurance, they just checked with my doctor with any pre-existing problems.

  10. You will most likely get lot's of opinions on this statement.

    My Insurance agent renewed my homeowner's insurance this last Sept and I told her i no longer smoke cigarettes. She asked "Do you smoke anything?" I said, "nope" and I left it at that, my ecig is not going to set the house ablaze so end of story. BTW not only is my home now insured with a higher value but my rates dropped about $200 a year.

    I am a nicotine addict -- NOT a smoker.

  11. Wowie Zowie!! This is the coolest thing ever!!

    Came home tonight after a baaad day at the office to my little flat rate box.

    I was just giddy with glee ripping it open and low and behold a most spectacular sight ....


    I love this thing!! and what craftmanship - i can't say enough - it is just so cool!! and the vapor is vapolicious!!

    Thank you Mark for all you do, I sometimes think it is too much but i am so happy you are soooo generous with your talents. And Brian a big thanks to you also for the much needed ingredients.

    This is wonderful, and yes Chris it does have little face on it and me thinks it looks a little like you!! The VaporMeister!!

    the Princess Loves you all and to all a Happy New Year!!

    (actually just in time for my 2 year anniversary of vaping)

  12. Absolutely!!

    Walked into office today to 1600+ emails and everyone needed something by end of year. Aarrgggghhh!! Oh and "Princess could you get everyone's order for lunch for 20 in the next 20 minutes?" aarrrggghhh!!

    But the best email really started my year with "YOU WON!!"

    THIS is gonna be a great year!!

    Happy New Year to All

    :jump: :jump::jump: :jump::jump:

  13. OMG!!

    I have been out of town!! and offline.

    Never thought the Princess would win!!

    Surprise me!! as I am thrilled to have such a following and I want to thank my fans for voting for me!! it is an honor.

  14. That thing is just awesome. Any idea how much one of those things costs????

    Can't be cheap.!!!thumbsup.gif

    Well you know the old saying "if you have to ask you probably can't afford it".

    from their site.

    Price starts at US$65,000 for a standard model, up to about US$85,000 for a very high performance, heavily customized version. Because each Seabreacher is custom built to order, we can accomodate almost any special requests, from inticate airbrushed paint schemes to personalized interior treatments.

    Hmmm, the Princess wants a pink one :whistle:

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