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Posts posted by dobbobolina

  1. ecigology-event-big.png

    eCigology is hosting the Central Valley's first ever VapeOut at Cafe Corazon!

    Leo from Cafe Corazon is opening his doors after hours to a limited number of people to come enjoy vaping at it's finest.

    Join the eCigology guys (along with a few other fellow vapers) as we hang out, talk, drink Fresno's best coffee, sample different e-cig flavors, rock out to music and generally just have an amazing time while vaping.

    Ticket price includes entry to the event for one person, a disposable electronic cigarette, all the e-cig flavors you can handle for the night, and all the amazing locally roasted coffee you can drink. Buy your tickets in advance to take advantage of discount pricing and to reserve your spot. Only 40 spots are available and once they're gone, they're gone.

    We will have merchandise for sale including various e-cig models, affordably priced juices and also premium juices - so that you can get a taste for all things vapor related.

    Event Details

    Any vaportalk vapers who want to come, bring your e cig and $10 for the door.

  2. I am with you bro. We all got to pay the bills. I dont pay much attention to the ads on most sites and did not even notice until someone mentioned them.

    Keep up the good work on http://www.ecigology.com/ I know you helped me on my information journey.

    Yeah.. we could have went with the google ads but, at least this way we have control over what is shown and keep it related to our content. Im glad you checked out the site, thanks for the encouraging words.

  3. Looks like an affiliate site to me. If you are really wanting to help out new vapers, why would you advertise and have links to crappy Greensmoke on your site?

    We have affiliate links on our blog to help us pay for the time we spend on it. We have to buy new products to generate content and that is what pays for it. If you read through the site, you will see that we really are trying to help people make the switch. It was finally easy to quit with these things and were all about spreading the news.

    We have affiliate links to all styles of e-cigs from starter kits to variable voltage mods and everything in between. When starting off, everyone has different priorities with their e-cigs and were trying to cater to everyone who is new.

  4. Gotcha now.

    Hey, OP, I might be the only one, but I've noticed that the way I hold my tongue when I draw vapor determines the amount of flavor hitting my tastebuds. I haven't a clue how to state this in an informational and descriptive way though lol.

    Yeah thats actually a good one! I guess I would try to say "Try to point the vapor onto the tip of your tongue to get a lot more flavor on the inhale. "

    Nice addition.

  5. Hey some more recommendations for non-sweet tobacco type flavors-

    Red Oak Domestic Blend from Johnson Creek - Johnson Creek Red Oak

    And Frisco from vapor station- Frisco

    The Domestic is very subtle, its one of my all time favorites. Frisco has this really smokey nutty flavor.

    Neither are sweet.

  6. Yeah I struggled with this at first too... The closest thing I have found is Red Oak domestic Blend from johnsoncreeksmokejuice.com ....Your best bet is finding a vendor who makes juice that doesnt taste like candy flavoring, or fake crap. There is a huge difference between using something that tastes like an apple jolly-rancher and something that tastes like a real apple. I recommend backwoodsbrew.net for great juice, also vsvapor.net has some super good stuff that isnt sweet... try the frisco..

  7. Really you guys?

    I cant stand cartomizers, they jack up the taste too much, so I'm a die hard atty fan. You don't need to clean your atomizers often, but when you do clean them, use this method (I seriously have atomizers that are 7-9 months old):

    Take the atomizer off the battery and blow super hard into the battery end, this blows nasty old juice out of the screen in the bottom back up into the coil.

    Put the atty back on and vape it a few times until you get less vapor, and dont inhale this vapor, it will taste bad, just blow it out of your mouth.

    Do that a few times until you dont get any vapor anymore

    Now, you can dry burn the atomizer if you want, some people think that this helps... Dry burning is just keeping your finger on the button over and over to burn junk off the coil in the atomizer.

    What I like to do is get some crest pro mouthwash (its blue, and doesnt contain alcohol) and heat it up for 30 seconds or whatever in the microwave. Soak your atties in that for 15 minutes or so, and kinda shake it gently every once in a while. I dont know what the deal is, but this stuff cleans the crap out of your atomizers... Ive tried peroxide, rubbing alcohol, denture crap, whatever, this works the best.

    Its super important to rinse your atties really good after this, using warm water. Its critical to suck water through the atomizer with your mouth over and over to get everything out too. Rinse them super good, maybe even soak them for a couple hours. The let them dry... You can do that overnight but if you are in a hurry just use a blowdryer.

    The next super important thing is priming them correctly once they are clean... drip a few drops of juice on the atomizer and then just take a couple puffs... drip a few more drops on and take a couple puffs. By this time it will most likely be primed.

    I hope this helps someone lol, Atomizers last way longer than people think, and when you clean them good, they perform like brand new.

  8. Heya Amber-

    Welcome to the 510 world, its a great place to start. Here are some tips for you:

    1. If you use the polyfill filler that comes with the cartridge, cut it in half.

    Cutting the filler in half is going to let you add a lot more juice into the cartridge. Don’t worry, if you do it right, its not going to leak. This is basically making what people call a “Plug”, its like a slow leaking cork for your cartridge. Fill the cartridge up 85% of the way with your juice and push this sucker in there until its level with the top of the cartridge, the atomizer bridge will put it where it needs to go. I use this method all the time.

    2. Seriously, the cartridge fits over the atomizer a specific way.. You cant just pop it on there.

    If you look at the cartridge you will see its shaped as a rectangle, 2 long sides and 2 short sides. The atomizer bridge also has 2 long sides and 2 short sides, just match up the cartridge to fit over that bridge the same way. If you dont put the cartridge on the right way you will start melting the cartridge sides, and that is a recipe for a good cough and the “That tastes like poop” face.

    3. If you are sucking juice through the end, you can pop the end off and clean it.

    If you look closely at the end of the cartridge (The end that goes in your mouth) you will see a thin line, that means that end comes off. If you have some fierce fingernails you could probably use them to pry that sucker off, I just use my teeth. I hate it when you get juice in your mouth, and once that happens its a guarantee that that chamber has juice in it. You dont have to live with a juicy mouth… Keep that area clean, seriously.

    4. Dont like polyfill filler? Use a mod.

    There are tons of mods you can use to change the game and dial in your cartridges to your liking. You can substitute the polyfill stuff with aquarium foam (Fluval etc.) You can find it at your local pet store. This foam lasts forever, and it wicks decently. You can also do some auto-drip mods by trimming the polyurethane cartridge condom that came on your new cartridge. This can be a little tricky but with a good sharp razor or exacto knife you can make it happen. Check out our Mods section for the how-to on these if you are interested.

    Or dont use any filler, just take it out and drip a few drops of your juice directly on the atomizer, this is called “Dripping”. You can typically take 4-7 drags off your e-cig using this method, and it tastes better too.

    5. Want a harder draw? Use a whistle tip (flat tip) cartridge.

    These whistle tips seem to restrict the airflow a little bit, which you might like. They also provide a more comfortable experience when vaping for hours on end.

    If you are interested in more tips like this, you can check out eCigology.com

  9. This is true, but, I actually dont use the cone anymore, I like the way the eGo draws a lot better without it. Give it a try! If you do want a stainless steel atomizer, you can get them from Vapor Kings , thats where I got mine from at least =)

  10. Hey everyone,

    My friend and I recently compiled 15 pretty good tips aimed at helping you with your juice. Its on our blog which is geared for people new to vaping or wanting to make the switch. Take a look, you may learn something new, and definitely leave some feedback, especially if you have any tips to contribute. 15 Tips to get the most out of your E-juice | eCigology.com

  11. Thanks guys, It actually tasted better the next morning.

    Another actually amazing thing to clean the atomizer with believe it or not is crest pro mouthwash... the blue one.... Its alcohol free, the trick is heating it up for about 20 seconds and letting the atties sit in there for about 15 minutes. Gently swish is around every now and then... Then rinse them out with warm water really well and let them dry overnight. I have used everything from peroxide, denture cleaner, rubbing alcohol, everclear.... this is the only thing that brings back my atties to the point where they do that thing where it seems like it blows the vapor into your mouth without suction. If you dont want to use that then the best thing is pure grain alcohol. Hope this helps someone!



  12. It was just the atty, I pulled the center post up just a hair and now it works on the PT again.

    What's that you say? Better order some extras? Good idea.


    What does "Not working" mean exactly? Is it not getting hot on the PT or is it just not making good vapor? Does it just not turn on at all with the PT?

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