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Posts posted by Atemisk

  1. I have had to the find the answer the hard way and had to come to my own conclusion.  I got tired of the same pro vaping drivel and now angry and frustrated. I love vaping, i will vape (maybe even with nic) forever, but people please consider the fact that the chemicals/ ingredients or whatever that we are constantly reminded of consuming our whole lives, haven't been inhaled (only consumed orally)  until recently so it's not known how they will affect your throat, lungs. Now I'm not talking about PG, VG, and nicotine. We are pretty sure we now know what these do by now. I'm talking about the plethora of different flavours and thier ingredients. It's something you will will have to try and trial yourself and what's best for you. Ive just started vaping an apple cinnamon muffin flavour and I finally had a look and realized (after a month!) That it has been blistering the back of my throat and I've been feeling like there is constantly something in my throat. So just a warning, yes it seems PV and VG are fairly safe and you can ween yourself off nicotine or keep vaping it if you want, but just pay attention to how different flavours affect you to avoid hurting yourself and possibly damaging your health ok? I found out the hard way. I kept going for ages because of everyone saying that it's fine or it's normal but try to use more VG, try using less nic newbies with dry throats are giving vaping a bad rap, its still better than smoking bla bla freakin bla bla. I have a high tolerance to pain and believed it was normal. Anyway fuelled by frustration I'm just trying to give some candid, legit, useful advice that my fellow vapers failed to offer or maybe even realize (although i doubt the latter). Please continue to enjoy vaping though do it with caution in regards to flavours.

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