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Posts posted by hewettthing

  1. Hi I'm Rebecca I used to use my eleaf to test out new coils I build I have a number dyslexia so building coils is touch and go if I do it right with the eleaf if I ****** up it would turn itself right off until I plugged it back in suggesting it either got to hot or I obviously did something wrong it's not broken well yeah it is the numbers on the display have just turned into lines so I'm wondering can I use my evict vt to do the same to test the safe zones of coils that I build I'm not retarded and I've figured it out almost but there's always a chance of error so testing it is key wouldn't you think long story short will my evict vt shut itself offe57c05e789309eff3cbb938f400fefff.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

    Oh yeah my thingy that reads ohms is broken

    Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

    Hi I'm Rebecca I used to use my eleaf to test out new coils I build I have a number dyslexia so building coils is touch and go if I do it right with the eleaf if I ****** up it would turn itself right off until I plugged it back in suggesting it either got to hot or I obviously did something wrong it's not broken well yeah it is the numbers on the display have just turned into lines so I'm wondering can I use my evict vt to do the same to test the safe zones of coils that I build I'm not retarded and I've figured it out almost but there's always a chance of error so testing it is key wouldn't you think long story short will my evict vt shut itself offe57c05e789309eff3cbb938f400fefff.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

    Oh yeah my thingy that reads ohms is broken

    Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

    Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

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