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Styles Dark

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Posts posted by Styles Dark

  1. I've had nothing but help with my vape the moment I got it from friends, the internet and the guy whom it to me.
    I seem to have the ability to create a problem with every action when it comes to this thing. I noticed my coil was dying a slow death so I got a new one. I've been using 5volts and its been great so I asked for 5 volts.  I'm not 100% what I got but it doesn't look the exact same as the old burnt out coil. Anyway, I put it into the tank right side up placed alittle drop on each exposed bit og cloth around the coil. and a tiny inside it. Did it exactly like I've seen others and the guy at the shop whose half chimney. I pressed the button on the side and nothing.. its not burning its not making the star trek sound like I'm lazily beaming up vape into my lungs. When I press the button it seems to just flash, I opened it up again tightend it, tried again, then opened again untightend alittle more. It just doesn't seem to be working at all now. And its fully charged.

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