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Posts posted by Rs VAPESON

  1. "Burnt" is when you get that harsh throat burning feeling. This happens when there is to much power for your coil. To me once this happens I feel the coil is no good any more but that's just my opinion.  Hope I  gave you a little feel on the meaning & reaction on "burnt". VAPE ON VAPSTER!✌

    "Burnt" is when you get that harsh throat burning feeling. This happens when there is to much power for your coil. To me once this happens I feel the coil is no good any more but that's just my opinion.  Hope I  gave you a little feel on the meaning & reaction on "burnt". VAPE ON VAPSTER!✌


  2. Hey guys!  

    Very glad to be apart of this forum as we all have something in common and we can all help each other out.  There are so many details and adventures to vaping and that's why I love it!  I started out vaping on a nautilus mini kit and my brand flavor of choice was definitely Space Jam.  I knew that if I was going to really enjoy it over cigarettes I would need to go bigger so now for my work breaks I enjoy an Aspire Atlantis 2 with an i60 stratus mod.  I freakin love that thing...BUT of course I'm expanding to rebuildables. I now am attempting my own build.

    I now have an issue...

    I am using the same i60 battery mod with many safety features INCLUDING (caps culturally mean I'm shouting over the interweb in the U.S.) short circuit warnings.  Now this mod is great: 

    1) Supports sub ohm .2 - .9 

    2) Aforementioned safety (locking, overcharge, etc,)

    3) It's goddamn flask shaped and supports not only sub ohm tanks but also (apparently) drippers



    I have the 24 gauge kanthal, the organic Japanese cotton strips, and a new atty STRO RDA Mini 

    (Spammy link removed)

    I wrapped 6 times and watched many videos on how to not screw up...

    At first the coils fired so that I could tweak with tweezers in between heating. Then all of the sudden...

    Mod reads "warning short"

    my atlantis reads ohms and fires the same...back to the RDA...same warnings 

    rebuild coils and even used the premade coils from the RDA box kit

    still a warning

    so I've read that perhaps the resistance is possibly too low for my mod to consider safe...

    should i wrap 7 or 8 times or is it really possible to ruin the a

    Give it a shot, sounds like your mod will deter it from shorting out

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