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Kenny C

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Posts posted by Kenny C

  1. Hey all!


    I'm new here on the forum but I wanted to post something really quick. I've been vaping for about 6 months now and I'm noticing that certain liquids that I used to vape with I can't do now. I'm curious as to why this is. I'm using a KangerTech KBOX Mini (just bought the starter kit so its stock) I used to use the Innokin SVD and the Innokin Cool Fire 1. I use the vapor state e-liquid. I know these are going to sounds like obvious and stupid questions but I'm kinda new to this and I just want to make sure that I'm actually vaping correctly and I really qould like to learn more about this. I have switched on and off with it to quit smoking and it helps when my throat doesn't burn. I have already checked the coil for burning and even with a brand new coil it does the same thing. So here are my questions: Does the type of flavor cause the burning. What mg nicotine should I be using because I read that a high nicotine level will cause the burning. What are some juices  you recommend? What wattage and ohms should I be set at? Thanks in advance and sorry for the n00b questions!

    Hi 3Xfyr, I'm also new to this and after months of trial and error and a lot of reading and talking to folks, I finally made the switch. I smoked 2 packs a day for 30 years and, so far I'm 3 days without a cig. I have the same Kbox mini as you do. Yes= flavor has a factor in the burning that your getting but not as much as the nicotine level. Do this and you will be set! Get a max VG liquid in a fruity or creamy flavor with 6 mg nicotine. I use Oregon Vapor "White Zombie". Turn your KBOX mini all the way down to 7W. Now here's the hard part. Take the hit straight to your lungs, nice and slow. Big clouds and no burn! Soon you'll feel like it's not enough. Start upping the watts a little at a time. This will work for you!


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