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Posts posted by JamesC

  1. Hey guys I'm hoping do get some more ideas of juices to try. My favorite juice is rasberries stuffed with banana & strawberry from juicyvapor and want to try some other juices from them. If anyone has used them before for juice I'd really appreciate if you could let me know your favorite juices from them are.



  2. I got a 4oz doubler at 70/30 and 1oz 48mg AC and mix 1 part nicotine and 4 parts doubler.

    Is that is what makes my my cartomizers the clogged feeling after about two weeks after use? I use the vk low res cartomizers but when I used to use 50/50 it never happened. I think mine are being over used and the heat warps the metal. I blow mine out between refills to get rid of brown juice.

    Hmmmmm. Maybe ill wash one out with alcohol and see. I pressed my finger to bottom of a fresh one and a used one and they feel cclearly different.

    Didn't vape AC for two weeks. Tastes amazing again lol :)

  3. Still being the noob I am, I find myself slowly becoming a connoisseur of "The Sample Pack" which is great because I'm building a lovely collection of itty bitty empty bottles of my favorites from around the net, and a lovely collection of itty bitty full bottles of flavors that aren't quite doing it.

    This is a 2 fold topic:

    1. I've found that coming up on my next ordering round, I'm gonna be getting a sampler or 2, but mostly larger bottles of single juice from about 5 different vendors. It's maddening because while some vendors have great prices paying for S&H from 5 different places for what would amount to 1 order of 6 bottles and it adds up. The question is this: Is there an answer? Anyone found one vendor that carries everything they need? and can a brotha get a hook up? and is there room for a service or something like a google or metacrawler or like.. a big e-Cig Amazon that just compiles from all the sources and provides reliable service for 1 low shipping fee?


    2. What do I do with all the juice I have that I don't want. Understandably it's not returnable, and I posted a classified in here that got no attention, so yeah. Anything?

    At least you live in the U.S. Ordering Juices from Canada the shipping is often as much as the liquid I order

  4. I went back to my LR cartos yesterday and will leave the tanks for when I'm out and about for longer periods. The T-atty will be nice once they come out with an LR option maybe, but the hit is totally different IMO and lacking without the LR vape. What's missing? ...warmth in the hit, and the flavor doesn't come through as much. It feels like it's being "filtered" when I use the t-atty and tanks. Frustrating! :wallbash:

    Thanks for the reply, I can't vape anything but lr so I guess I'll wait and see about a lr tank.

  5. My amazing flavor is gone after first small bottle mixed. =\ probably have to rotate bottles as my tastebuds are used to flavor. My gf says it tastes the same and she only puffs it once a week just for taste. Geoffs blend here I come!

    I loved AC so much I bought 2 more bottles 'ouch' and a bottle of Geoffs Blend. I suggest not vaping the Geoffs blend constantly or it will lose its flavor also. What ratio of pg/vg did you get? I got 90/10 the second time around because the 70/30 was gunking up my attys so bad. 90/10 seems too watery and just flows right through my atty and down my battery.

    If only AC and Geoffs blend could taste like the first time I vaped them I would be in heaven.

  6. You will get that.Just blow through the threaded end into a kleenex and it will be good to go.The excess liquid gets trapped between the pot that has the element in it and the threaded connecter.It also seems to help at the end of the day to stand it on end on a paper towel overnight to let excess liquid drain.I think Bauway atties are a little worse about it than Joye atties.

    Thanks I'll try that. This seems excessive though. I put 3 drops in take two or three puffs then there is juice everywhere. Never had this before when vaping.

  7. Got my Atomic last night....I will have to agree with you about the first draw, it does feel like you are inhaling the liquid!...very powerful TH!....its almost like it takes your breath away for a second..but then there is the hot cinnomon flavor that is in your mouth...I found that on the exhale, there is a sweet/buttery flavor....maybe because i had mine mixed at 30% VG. Def. one of my favs!....maybe its just me, but its great to vape while drinking beer.

    The amazing flavor I use to taste from AC is now gone. Don't know what happened but it just doesn't taste good anymore. I'm curious if after a couple bottles it starts losing its flavor for you too.

  8. Been direct dripping for a while now and thought I had it all figured out, but, everything I drip into the atomizer runs out the bottom and down the battery. Its doing it on 3 different atomizers. What the hell?

    Just wondering if its me, the atomizers, or the liquid. Dripping 2 or 3 drips using the ego with 510 lr attys and tasty vapor liquid 90/10 mix.


  9. Jeffery will pull an item if it is not up to snuff. I have always bought my attys and cartos from him without any problem. I really like the Joye 510 cartos but they are a pain to fill, still very good quality product. I have some attys I picked up elsewhere and while no leaks it blew out in a week and half. Let Jeffery know about your experience, sounds like he addressed it but he will still want to know. He does try new stuff but if customers or himself are not happy he will pull the product and make it right. He has even replaced things that I felt were working fine but he wasn't happy with them. He's a great guy and like the other vendors on VT he is above board, otherwise Chris wouldn't deal with them. Drop Jeffery an email.Also were they LR as well? I'm not crazy about LR but hubby is.

    Yea they were LR. I'm not sure if I'm crazy about LR either. Seems to give the juice a different taste from normal attys.

  10. Yes definitely. Jeff from Word Up is a good guy and usually sells quality products. But he also usually takes some risk and sells new types of hardware, some of which doesn't always work out.

    Your best bet it is to stick with Joye Tech made atomizers. They're the BMW of atomizers in my opinion. Next would be SLB atomizers followed by KR then finally Bauway. (I don't personally like Bauway atomizers but some people swear by them)

    Thanks, I didn't realize the differences. I'll definitely pay more attention to what kind of atomizer I am buying from now on.

  11. Are some atomizers better quality then others? I was using an lr atomizer from wordup, it leaked bad and the liquid just didn't seem to have as much flavor and tasted off. I got some new lr atomizers in from another vendor, and wow the flavour taste amazing again. The ones that leaked also had messed up threads and didn't thread easily and are no longer sold by wordup so I'm wondering if there was a quality issue there.

    Thanks, you guys have helped me so much!

  12. Thanks for the input

    I don't have the LR atomizers. But I have removed the wicks from the standard atomizers. It had its pros and cons. The cons outweighed the pros for me. I thought they leaked way too much after and it just made me frustrated.

    Like juice this really is a personal preference. You do run the risk of damaging the atomizer if you pull the wick.

  13. I'm pondering whether I should removed the wick or not from my 510 lr atomizer to direct drip. I'm still a noobie trying to figure things out and just want to know what you more experienced people do, whether removing the wick or not. Pros and cons?


  14. I didn't like the ego mega atty. The lr attys are way better imo

    Yeah just hold more and only with the cart. I was disapointed by these because of that. Otherwise they are the same old atty. I would go for Low resistance or LR attys. They rock!

    I do wonder about eGo mega attys cause they seem to actually be bigger...anybody know if they actually hold more with no cart? :devil:

  15. Thanks, I tried that. Still tasted so bad I could not use. Had to resort to buying a pack of cigs. They didn't taste much better.

    I suggest watching this video by phee303 on how to remove your wick. I do not suggest removing the bridge (the follow up video). If you want to know why, just ask. Be aware that this will help but since your wick is already charred bits may break off and stick to the coil and/or well inside your atomizer and you may taste some of it. I suggest cleaning them by placing in a bowl, pouring gently boiling water over them and let them soak for a few minutes. Microwaving the water in a separate container will speed up the process of boiling. You can repeat this step if you feel it's needed (ie: your AC atty). Blow through slowly, repeatedly from the mouth to the battery end into a towel to get most of the water out. Don't forget to prime with a few drops before you vape. Also, the atty is not completely dry so some water may sizzle; don't panic.

    When you receive new attys I advise removing the wicks just as soon as you've tested them to be sure they are not DOA (dead on arrival) before they have a chance to burn.

  16. Ya it looks like theres liquid in the one I've been using for the AC. Its gunked up bad. I'm about to order more, would less vg help? I ordered 35% vg lasttime. Should I be ordering 10% so it doesn't gunk up the cartomizers and atomizers so bad?

    Try soaking them in hot water ,I use denture cleaning tabs .Freshens them right up ,I rinse sevela times with hot water from my coffee maker.If you any liquer around soaking them in that might help.If you are hurting you can just blow them out real well after cleaning and use one .But best to let dry for a while.Prime with three or four drops.They all get funky after a while depending on what liquid you use as it does not all vaporise ,stuff gets left behind.

  17. Yea, the problem is I've run out of them while waiting for an order to come in. I have 2 that have a severely burnt taste because I didn't know what I was doing and dry burned them. Another one doesn't seem to be working well either. I've been using it for atomic cinnacide and it seems like the atomizer is gunked up or something. Theres is no airflow and doesn't taste that great any more either. I've tried blowing it out but nothing changed. Is there anything I can do to realistically get the burnt flavor out? Or bring the other atomizer back to life?

    Atomic Cinnacide also seems to gunk up the cartomizers a lot faster also (ego mega).

    Also, how safe is it to be breathing in vapor from an atomizer that is burnt. Breathing in the burnt fibers doesn't sound overly healthy.


  18. Just received my Tasty Vapor items. Waiting to try the Atomic Cinnacide for when I have a fresh atty since I understand it will take over and not let other flavors play later. However, right now, I am thoroughly enjoying Orange CreamPop. Pretty darn good so far! Can't wait until they have the buy-two-get-one-free option again. I have five more flavors in my wish list. :icecream:

    Oooo the atomic cinnacide is so good. I would use a atty for it and wait for another atty for your other flavors.

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