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Posts posted by neverm1nd

  1. Ill be there tomorrow at 5pm sharp, MAAAYYYBEE a little earlier to be one of the first 25 lol. im just so excited about this ive never actually been to one of these before. Normally i am the only vaper i know, i hope i get a door prize :thumbsup: because my juice collection is TERRIBLE, i always seem to order horrible flavors that sound delicious and most online reviews aren't too helpful for me.

    P.S. ill be the guy with the mini mohawk lol. I did it for a cancer benefit on wed so dont go thinkin im a weirdo lol

  2. ''Light bulb'' to quote despicable me lol... I have a dremel that I use quite a lot to do custom etching on computer cases and fans, and I have like 10 or 11 cones laying around doing nothing. This is a really good idea as I would like to have a smoother draw on my ego as well. I think this will be my new pet project for the next few days. I'm already coming up with some design ideas as I'm typing this too. Ill keep you posted vapers

  3. Lol I would have to agree with everybody else on here, the eGo is the way toGo lol. (Pun intended) I have a matte black manual eGo and I got 2 batts 2attys 5carts a 5ml syringe 1 cone cover 1 wall/usb charger and 5mls of juice for 65 bucks at www.cigparts.com I don't know that I would recommend them for much else but their cig kits are relatively inexpensive. I would seriously consider a case from either a vape store or case logic if your on the move though. I hope this has helped.

  4. I have two favorite daily vapes, torque56 and freedom juice. They both can be found at www..com. they both are a tobacco flacor with some sweet undertones to each of them. A benefit of Halo is that their juice is american made and the bottles are 30ml with childlocked dropper tops to them. I suggest watching some vid reviews though before just diving into a random supplier.

  5. A cheap way (but would waste juice) is to blow out the atty completely before adding new juice, but if you want to not sacrifice juice, I'd buy some attys because even by blowing the juice out, some flavors like menthol and clove would still remain in the atty. I do hope that helps

    Im ok with sacrificing a few drops of my juice, most of my flavors are stocked up with at least 30ml. I have seen so many vids of people cleaning their attys with water soaking, flushing with alchohol, compressed air, and too many more ridiculous things to list. What is the preferred method to clean your attys?

  6. Hey guys, im a little new but ive been using my eGo for about a month now and the same with using a drip tip. I have about 7 different juices im using and i love every one of them. I was wondering what the best thing to do is, for when i am switching to my other favorite flavors. should i just stock up on attys so i have a different one for each of my more used flavors? Is there a quick cleaning solution to flush the juice out of my atty before i pop in some new juice? What do i do? Any help is greatly appreciated, because i love my RY4 and i love my Torque56 but they suck together lol.

    Thanks :D

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