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Posts posted by TheHarpoMarxist

  1. Sorry your mouth got burned. :(

    I'm pretty new here myself and am in no position at all be be giving out advice, but I don't think the carto needed to be thrown away. I think once the excess liquid was gone it would have been fine. Maybe someone else can correct me if I am wrong. But if you still have that trashbag and the carto isn't covered in old food or something you might want to rescue it, if it can be salvaged.

  2. Vapor Galaxy also has cotton candy flavored e-liquid. But it's more expensive than the lube.

    If it worked out you could consider going to your local sex shop and picking some up yourself. I'm not too sure about the $5 a bottle. That price actually seems pretty fair to me. I used to work in a shop that had an adult department, even though it was not a sex shop itself and the lube we sold was pretty expensive and this was eight, ten years ago, so I imagine they're a lot more expensive now, but I also remember that sex shops often have sample sized bottles that at least used to be around a buck each. Now these bottles were very, very small. Designed for one use. I have no idea how long one would last for vaping, but I would imagine not more than a day. But if stores still have those things cheap it might be an affordable way to try a variety of things.

  3. Also not a crackhead, but I used to work in a headshop. I've heard of crackheads using Brillo Pads to keep the actual rocks from falling down into the pipe. They use the Brillo to contain it sort of, but I've never heard of the Scotch Brite thing. Pretty gross.

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