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Posts posted by TechJunkie

  1. welcome! have you tried the cigar flavors? you might find something you like in there!

    I am trying one now that is pretty good but does not quite hit the mark for what I am looking for. I just ordered another one and will keep searching. If someone has any suggestions on good cigar e-juice I am interested.

  2. I don't smoke cigarettes but I do enjoy cigars, though not every day. Concerned about the health impact from my cigars and due to the ever strict laws regarding where I can enjoy them I decided to try an e-cig. I first tried a VUSE. While it was awful in taste I liked the concept. After research I ended up finding a nice vape shop in Panama City Beach called VaporTimePCB and I tried out real e-juice and vaping. It was not only significantly better than the VUSE it was better than my cigar. No bad breath and I didn't smell like an ash tray. Wife was pleased as well.

    I bought a kangerTech EVOD kit to get me started and I am really enjoying this, even on my condo patio where smoking is now Illegal with condo security looking for violators! I have family who smoke pretty often and I intend to show them this as an alternative.

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