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Posts posted by TheRealKaty

  1. During allergy season I can't vape anything fruity especially in the morning, late evening yes.

    Mint does help the soreness, I also switched to 40/60 pg/vg and I have less of a problem.

    I do bakery flavors in the am, sweet buttery does better anything tart and I'm miserable.

    I agree with vaping mint. It is such a soothing and natural flavor.

    But you are also sick so your body is trying to rid itself of 'toxins'. Vaping e-juice isn't a natural thing that the body does or even need (other than to stop yourself from acutally smoking real cigarettes). So when your sick putting more unnatural things into your body (vapor from ejuice) seems unneccessary and unhelpful to the healing process - maybe explaing the sinus/ throat irritation.

    Personally I would try to take a break off vaping ONLY IF YOU CAN. There might be a reason as to why your body is rejecting it at the moment. Maybe fall back onto some other excericeses to ease cravings - cough losenges, candies.... etc

    Hang on in there!

  2. The answers are pretty interesting and across the board :) As someone who has quit smoking and uses vaping to replace my cravings, I wouldn't reccomend e-cigs to a non smoker who has never smoked before. I would have to say now I'm addicted to vaping, the flavors, the mods, the billows of vapor.. the community... it's still a forgein substance that my body craves (just a non harmful one). I wonder if I'll ever stop, but at this point I can't or else I know I would go back to analogs.

    I guess you could say I replaced one addiction with another

    Not to bring the thread to a depressing note but the question came out of a reflection of past and current choices.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone and Vape on! :animier:

  3. This question comes from just general curiousity. I've started to noticed in my circle of friends people buying and trying e-cigarettes even though they have never tried an actual cigarette in their life. Me personally, I would most likely try it as I'm someone who usually does what the crowd does (probably why I got into smoking analogs in the first place). I know that sounds bad but social smokers and peer-presure is a real thing that gets most people into trying taboo products.

  4. Teens, in my opinion, are more likely to grab a pack of cigarettes than an e-cig. They don't think about LONG TERM cost, just the RIGHT NOW cost. Period. When I was a teen, a $5-$7 pack of ciggs (sometimes cheaper with the cheaper brands) would totally override the $30 setup for an ecig. Even the ones you can buy in the gas statins, in my experience, are slightly more expensive than a pack of cigarettes.

    Teens need their money for other stuff, like shopping at the mall or buying stuff for their cars (or nowadays, diapers for their kids--I was a teen mom and I would buy diapers first and then cigarettes. Didn't have the extra cash to buy an ecig setup back then!)

    I totally agree about teens being only aware of the right now cost. Also a big factor would be the 'cool' factor. Cigarettes are still glamorized and seen as a 'rebel' habit by the media. Lets face it, how many of us started smoking becasue it looked cool and it was the cool thing to do.

    I have found recently through friends younger siblings in first year university and college (and even some high schoolers) e-cigs are more popular than analogs basically because e-cigarettes look fun and taste delicious. A couple 19 year olds I know vape the nicotine-free flavors as there is zero need to ingest that chemical for them. Plus, It has the look of thick smoke but zero throat irritation and tastes like candy. I would compare e-cigettes to i-phones if your a young adult. You don't want it to replace a bad habit, but you want it because its like a toy.

  5. They may come around to the realization that PV's are safer than tobacco, but, I believe, that won't stop them from trying to tax the crap out of the juice side......there's too many dollars flying around that they're not getting their greedy hands on. I may be wrong, but I've been told their intentions are to tax a bottle of juice the same as a carton of cigarettes. Greedy !$^&*$^^!!!

    Agreed! There is a lot of tax money to be made from both e-juice and analogs... No matter how the debate goes the government will profit!

    I've heard that the cig companies are trying to get in on the profits now too with their own products... but I'm not entirely sure :hope: Personally I wouldn't buy from them because they

    a) already have too much $$ and I'd rather support the new up and coming companies

    b ) literally sold me poison with a smile for years (but i was dumb enough to buy it)

  6. Hi all,

    Just wondering what you would recommend and as a first vv. I'd prefer something affordable as I'm currently under-employed. Something in the $30-$50 range. I'm planning on picking up an RDA but I'd like to still use my ego threaded tanks too.

    Thanks in advance,


    I like the Vision Spinners from Wizard Puff, I would say its pretty stable and I haven't had a problem with it yet :)


    And the price is 24$ with same day shipping so no complaints here :yes

  7. You've just guaranteed I won't ever smoke a US made analog again. A friend from Norway says evidently the cigarettes are more "pure" over there, very few additives, if any, and very low addiction rate. The lung cancer rates are incredibly low in Norway - and this friend generally manages to make it through a day smoking very few cigarettes (like, half a pack is excessive smoking for him).

    I've also heard that the smokes outside of North America and the Brittish Isles are more 'pure'. But at the end of the day smoke in your lungs can never be good....

    That is a good video to keep me off the stinkies..

  8. HI I don't have any heart issues, however, I notice that I get swelling ANY time I vape my e-cig. I have a lot of food sensativities that result in puffiness and bloating, so I belive that my swelling comes from just general allergies to the additives and flavoring in the liquid.

    Since then I have to make sure I drink a lot of water and really flush my system to feel normalized again. If what your experiencing is very serious I would stop and talk to your doctor about alternative ways to quit smoking - putting your heart and body at more risk isn't worth it. Any sort of negative reaction isn't a good reaction.

    I hope that helps :yes

  9. Thought I had vapor tongue but the new mini cured that- what flavor!! I am very happy with my Vision 11 and my nautilus and it has resurrected my vaping experience. I know some of you do mods ect and have fabulous vaping machines but for a novice vaper, I don't think I can do much better than this setup. Paul

    Really good set up :) I also really like the Aspire Nautilus. But what does it mean to have "vapor tongue'??

    Please excuse my ignorance! :blushing:

  10. Hello, I name is Katy. i think I might have posted this somewhere else by accident (haha newbie mistake) but I have been vaping for about a year now with a basic kit. I am from Canada and trying to get into teachers college. I am looking for just general vaping advice and to join the community :)

  11. I find personally that an PG at all really bothers my throat no matter what the ratio, but I found that out by trying out different ratios. I've heard that Vanilla is more PG based sometimes and that flavor bothers a lot of people too. But I agree with bcartervol99 it is all personal

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