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Posts posted by HKorean6

  1. Sounds like you need to change the coil?

    What is your rig? Battery, tank brand/style?

    Knowing those will help to diagnose the issue better, but when in doubt, a coil change fixes a lot of problems.

    Okay, i'm a fool, and very new to all of it. The only things I know is to change the atomizer, so would you be willing to assist in solving and informing? I can take some pictures of my "setup" if that would help? I'm kind of clueless on the whole thing.The thing that threw me off, was that I just recently changed the coil.

    From my knowledge, it is a coil at 1.8ohm, pro-tank, and the battery is one I found laying around my home, and it worked better than the one my friend gave me when I got it from him.

  2. So...I bought a vape (Still VERY naive in the subject, and learning) and used it for several weeks no problem, and it was a second-hand one from a friend, since I just wanted one quick (I plan on getting a whole new one and figuring it out from there).

    So, it works fine, I clean out the atomizer, and put in a new juice. However, after I started using it after a few days, there was some clogging noise coming from it. I cleaned EVERYTHING out. The mouthpiece, atomizer, tank, and just about everything. Still, there was a clogging noise everytime I try to inhale, with a small bit of juice coming out, even though everything is clear and i've cleaned it out numerous times.

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