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Posts posted by Shananatoot

  1. I found the right combo for the LR atty, and now it's vaping like a champ! Thanks for the help guys! I don't get the burning sensation anymore, and I'm not sure what was causing the problem. Then again, I don't really care because it's working incredibly -- for the moment. Knock on wood. lol

  2. It seemed to just be the LR atty that is giving me trouble. For now, I'm just going to switch back to the regular attys. If that is the type of throat hit I'll get from the LR atomizers, I'll just stick to the regular 510s. Thanks for all the help guys! :unworthy:

  3. This may not be relevant, but I noticed if I'm not constantly sucking down fluids while vaping mostly PG, my throat gets dry, scratchy and irritated. I switched to all VG and haven't had that issue since.

    Hmm... I'll definitely look into that. I will try anything. This harsh feeling completely ruins the vaping experience.

  4. You just went to an ego with an LR atty? That'll definitely produce way more heat. You might get used to it or drop the nic if you can. Stupid question, how long you been vaping and what did you smoke before. Also, the LR atty will burn through juice a little quicker. Dripping takes a little practice, I gave up for months before going back.

    Yeah, I had the regular 510 attys before then. I have been vaping for about two weeks now, and before I quit I was waffling between American Spirits and Marlboro Menthol lights. It definitely seems to be burning through juice quicker. Every 3 or 4 hits I am having to drip again, but even then it still burns.

  5. I was just wondering if this was normal, or if I was doing something wrong. The throat hits I experienced early on were nothing like what I am experiencing now. There is a harsh burn in the back of my throat. It's happening constantly now. Am I doing something wrong? Is it supposed to feel like this?

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

  6. Thanks guys! I'll definitely let you know what I think! As much as I love my Tornado though, this should be one amazing device! :thumbup:

    EDIT: On a side note, I also got a low res atty and a t-tip today and they are incredible! Direct dripping is soooo much easier now, and the atty is out of this world. I've never seen so much vapor in my life! Glorious, glorious vapor! haha.

  7. I ended up just ordering another eGo/Tornado from VT. haha. It was only $78 with free shipping, and by the time I order the parts individually from Totally Wicked, it would have been that much, probably more. Also, the free 10mL bottle of Sweet Dawn helped push my hand a little. ;)

  8. Sweet Caroline is, by far, the best flavored vape I have ever tried. For those out there who enjoy RY4, this will be right up your alley. There is one difference between SC and RY4 however, SC is infinitely better (in my opinion of course). RY4 always seemed a little too sweet, but SC is the pitch perfect balance between tobacco and sweet. The throat hit of the iVape products is nothing like the Totally Wicked flavors, which hit very hard, but it is still a decent hit. Sweet Caroline is like sweet tea mixed with tobacco, and as awkward as that may sound, it truly is a combination worth investigating. RY4 fans of the world, head over to iVape.net and pick up a bottle of sweet caroline, you won't be disappointed.

    Side note: the prices are great, $6 for 10mL, and the shipping is very quick!

    Taste: 10/10

    No, really, it's that good.

    Throat hit: 6/10

    it's not going to knock your socks off, but it will still hit pretty well.

    Vapor production: 8/10

    All the vapor production you would expect from a high-quality juice.

    Value: 10/10

    $6 for 10mL is a steal for eliquid as great as this. It's better than some of the $10-$15 juices I've tried.

  9. Does anybody here have experience with the Screwdriver MKII? The MKII is the second device I was looking at. Uma, you hit the nail on the head. I was an extremely heavy smoker, and am looking for a device with a battery that -- if I were in a pinch -- I could buy from any store that carries batteries.

  10. Drip tips are great, so yes it would be a great benefit. In the mean time, to keep from melting the cart, you can trim off the bottom a little (just below the vent hole) with a knife or razor blade.

    I'll definitely look into getting a drip tip then. I can't believe how much better it tastes/vapes. It's like night and day. Thanks so much for the help everybody! I look forward to becoming a part of this great community. You guys are the bomb.com.

  11. any chance you are running a LR atty?

    also maybe the battery is putting out to much voltage.

    also did you clean out the regular atty before using?

    Nope, it's a standard 510 atty, but the direct dripping is working awesome. Would it benefit me to buy the drip tip or is it fine just to use an empty cart?

  12. Thanks for all the help guys! Direct dripping is ten times better! I'm getting a lot more flavor and way more vapor. Also, is there a possibility that when the atty runs out of liquid, it will burn out? All in all, it's way better, I wasted so much liquid filling up those carts. I guess that's how you learn though. haha.

  13. Hey guys,

    I ordered a Totally Wicked Tornado about a week ago, and have been vaping on it for a few days now. I am having a few problems however, that hopefully are fixable. I'm using cartridges and filling them with my own e-liquid, but it doesn't seem to be producing much vapor. I've tried several different brand new attys and still not much of anything comes out. Also, the e-liquid gets used up extremely quickly. Like within an hour or so and the ends of my cartridges are melting. When I attach the mega cartomizer, I get tons of vapor, but I don't like the flavor and I really want to use my e-liquid.

    Thanks for any and all help!

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