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LiL Miss Vape

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Posts posted by LiL Miss Vape

  1. Ok thanks will do that u actually reminded me of the syringe tip I have from making my own juice I forgot I had that cause the screwdriver I had come free with the patriot is to thick it tried that earlier when I was putting the cotton wool in cause it kept dragging the coil out of place, thanks for the reply you been a great help :-)

  2. Just around 1 omh can't go lower as I'm using vamo and a lavatube I have the maraxus clone with the lotus RDA but I don't like it cause it's way to airy and burns my throat with the juice it's prob just the build I had on it when it came pre built. I haven't tried sorting out the hotspots I should really ill check cheers

  3. Oh crap no its the patriot with a foggy clear cap dunno where my head was at when I wrote igo think it's cause I was searching for a new top cap and it came up with igo lol the holes alittle small still though, I find that it tastes alittle bit like burnt hair and whenever I tried to build my own when I'd pull the cotton through it would mess up the coil I just redone one but it's tasting like burnt hair lol it has enough juice on it so god knows I'm using spider venom (cinnamon and menthol) only at 6mg 60/40 vg it's probably the bleach I can taste lol

  4. Yeah I think I will I have an ohms reader anyway so I can check I'm not sub ohm vaping I only used that kanthal cause it was lying around and wanted to use the igo I payed like £2.50 for 100 premade 1.8 wicks from slowtech ages ago and the igo didn't come prebuilt for some reason so I just tried it myself. Will get some kanthal and cotton wool, I know it's wrong that I didn't boil the cotton first cause of the bleach I will get some organic to save time. Thanks for the responses, but what is the difference between microcoils and normal coils I thought it was just where thr wraps were spaced closer together and made smaller than normal, I spose I should Google it really and youtube helps it's just alot of videos I watch tend to be people using coils at like 0.5 and sub ohm vaping which I'm a little wary of the lowest I've gone is 0.8 and that was on my friends dual coil set up I think so im still kind of new

  5. Thanks for the reply... Ohh ok I get it now yeah I ain't really into cloud chasing I only just got a dripper and decided I didn't like the wick so I used the cotton wool ball but I noticed sometimes it spits and pops when I first fire it up I's it because the wraps are to loose? I only ever used clearomizers before so rdas are kinda new to me.

  6. Ok so I have an igo w clear from slowtech and I brought some premade wicks 28 awg mainly for my kanger I decided to put one on my rda and take the wick out and replace it with some cotton wool I didn't re wrap it or anything just cut it away and threaded it through, it's meant to be 1.8 ohms but the reason I'm posting is because I've seen alot of videos with people rdas and there wire is thicker mine looks very thin do I need to make the coil closer together rather than gaps in the wraps? What can I do to improve it.. I have the wire from the other wicks and an ohms reader so I could rebuild it but the wire looks so flimsy why isn't it thick like most rda builds that I've seen. Ok so by now u have guessed I'm a noob lol it vapes ok though. ebatebyh.jpg

  7. This was the first one I posted then I realized it was in the general so put it in vv section sorry...only just seen your message, she doesn't really like the box mods so don't think that would be any good I did ask her about the dna 20 and she wasn't keen. So kinda hard to find one when she's fussy lol

  8. Yeah I have the maraxus clone think iron man is the same thing isn't it?? check out the lotus RDA they were built for eachother great look vapingtwisted420 has them together on his channel or is it twistedvaping420 **** my minds bank either way it's a good mod only downside is I cut my hands on the metal chunks alot feels like paper cuts and hurts like hell when you get ejuice in them lol

  9. Ok so cut long story short want to get my mum/mom a new ecig she's used her standard ego and she has seen my various vv and mech mods and wants an upgrade, well she and I don't think she would be any good with battery charged mech mod or vv and was wondering if there were any vv mods with a usb charger like the (ego vv2) or (kamry x6) she says she doesn't trust charging the battery's and she's worried about venting and explosions and so on and she's used to just plug in and charge I have searched online but the only one I could find was the kamry x6.

    she's looking for a thicker battery body not like the ego that fits small tanks more like one that would fit protanks snug and flush. Does anyone know of any, if so please help, thanks in advance.

  10. Ok so cut long story short want to get my mum/mom a new ecig she's used her standard ego and she has seen my various vv and mech mods and wants an upgrade, well she and I don't think she would be any good with battery charged mech mod or vv and was wondering if there were any vv mods with a usb charger like the (ego vv2) or (kamry x6) she says she doesn't trust charging the battery's and she's worried about venting and explosions and so on and she's used to just plug in and charge I have searched online but the only one I could find was the kamry x6.

    she's looking for a thicker battery body not like the ego that fits small tanks more like one that would fit protanks snug and flush. Does anyone know of any, if so please help, thanks in advance.

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