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Posts posted by Optimo

  1. Thanks. I will more than likely give this zmax a shot. I have read great reviews on it and it is pretty similar to the Vamo. That way I can give all 3 battery sizes a shot. I don't care too much about having a battery lasting days since I will charge it every night any way. So the extra size of the unit isn't worth the extra battery length since I wouldn't be using it.

  2. I'm not too worried about the looks. I have a feeling that a 350 battery is not enough and a 650 is too much. The guys at my local shop showed me a 490 battery that seemed like it would have enough juice to last me the full day. Do you think you could fit a 490 or 500 in the Vamo? Or is it only a 350 or 650?

  3. The Vamo V3 isn't telescopic correct? And the height of it is tall to fit the 18650 right? I would probably be looking to use the 490 or 500 battery to shrink it down a bit. I will probably by the zmax and just give it a shot. Worst case I could just leave it for my at home vape and continue to use my standard ego when on the go

  4. I was at my local vape shop yesterday and one of the employees has one and said they have an order coming in next week. He let me try his and I took maybe 5-10 tokes on it. I didn't get to play around with it a lot and I am not sure what settings he had it on but it was a much nicer vape than my standard ego battery

  5. One of my things is I want to keep it under 7 inches. I have a nice little pouch that I keep my pv in so it doesn't get banged up in my pocket. Just from what I have seen, the 18650s make it way to long for the pocket and to travel with. Like I said, there are a few things I am picky with. For home use, I wouldn't mind but I want something that can fit in my pocket easy enough.. I'm sure it's just wishful thinking lol

  6. Greetings,

    Currently I am using a standard 1100mah ego battery with the Kanger T3S tank and all is well. However, I recently got my hands on a Sigelei zmax mod and I liked it a lot. I have never used a VV or anything other than a standard battery. I am a bit picky with some things that others may think or dumb but it's just the way I am. I am looking for advice on what system to get to maximize my vaping experience

    - I didn't like the zmax fully extended with the 18650 battery because it was just so big. I could live with the 18490 battery mode but liked the 18350 size even more. I want something that fits in my pocket without being enormous

    - My main goal is to have just one battery charge that can last a full day. I am not interested in carrying extra batteries. One tank and one battery for the day. I fill my tank and charge my battery every night before I go to bed and when I wake up I want that to last the whole day.

    - I have to use 100% VG because I am allergic to PG. I have tried numerous times and the most recent I forced myself to use a 50/50 blend and after a full day of use, the next morning I woke up with a swollen throat so that was the end of that...

    I can get a full day with my 1100mah battery without issues. My first battery was a 650 and it lasted from 6am-3pm before it died. I vape 2.0 mil per day. I am fully satisfied with my T3S tank because it holds enough juice to last me the full day. The only issue I have is sometimes I need to dab the coil because it seems like it clogs up from the 100% VG. I did order some VG juice from Velvet Cloud which thins out their juice with distilled water so I am hoping for better results from that.

    I have read that the 18350s don't last long at all but the 18490s are supposed to be 1400mah which should last me the whole day because my 1100mah does the job. Am I right in this assumption? Would the zmax or similar VV product give me a better experience with the 100% VG juice?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My local vape shop is getting a shipment of zmax in next week but I would like to know if I should even bother with it. If the 18490 wouldn't last me a full day that would be a deal breaker


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