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Posts posted by kfer008

  1. Ok so I've had a starter kit for a while now (picture below) but I'm wanting to upgrade. Now I'm between two pieces or mods. Sorry I don't know the correct lingo for all of this. I either want the sigelei apv or the vision XGun vv/vw. I have notice that the sigelei apv can go up to 20w and as low as 5ohms, and the XGun goes to only 12w and 3 to 6 operating volts.

    I don't understand what roles the wattage or volts or ohms play in each mod.

    What does the wattage, voltage, ohms effect? Does it affect taste? I'm interested to know the functions for each of those features and what or how it effects.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question or if my question makes no sense but I'm trying to figure out which of the two is a better buy.

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  2. I work for a vapor shop and we've been interested in getting new people and veteran vapers together.

    That's awsome, I'm looking into getting a part time at a shop, but also want to organize something so the newbies like me can get some education and make friends and veterans can help and make friends.

    Also having a shop there will hopefully provide some insight on products and hopefully get the shop a whole lot of business!

  3. I bought the Carmel macchiato at 4mg of nic and wow it's full of flavor. To me it taste just like it without the sugar. It's good but if you would like it sweeter I'm guessing to mix with regular Carmel flavor.

    You can definitely taste the coffee and maybe if you go higher on the nic it might taste better. I bought the juice from DFW vapor by the way.

  4. Yeah I found that most online shops let you mix and as far as the local store I go to don't. There's still two stores I have to try and I know one for sure does the 50/50 mix. Might also try purchasing some online. I've heard unicorns blood is great.

  5. I'm interesting in not getting a throat hit, I'm guessing to switch the mixture right? Maybe a 50/50?

    I had the blue Hawaiian at 8 or4 ml not sure which, but at first I didn't get that much of a throat hit which I like but now it seems that it got darker and I noticed a major throat hit. Any ideas what happen?

  6. Welcome and if you are ever in Texas, the shops I know of here is the vapor bar and dfw vapor, I personally have used dfw vapors and I like it a lot. Good luck and I hope you find some good juice!

  7. Ok so, at the shop I go to DFW Vapors, one of the sales guy was telling me he mixed flavors. Since then I've been think of doing the same. My questions is

    Is it safe to do?

    Do you double up the nicotine if you mix lets say two flavors of 8ml of nicotine? Does it go to 16ml of nicotine?

    Last question, any recommendations on what flavors to mix?

    Sorry if the questions seem very dumb, I've only been vaping for two weeks.

  8. I know that if I hold down the button in the middle it will give me a higher voltage but the store I bought it said to keep it in the low (not sure what the actual volts are in the two settings) setting, this way my battery wouldn't die fast and I wouldn't burn as much juice.

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