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Posts posted by doxastic

  1. That is what happens to a normal used atomizer the heat turns the wick black.The videos are videos.If they work good use them when they cease to work good buy some new ones.They don't cost enough to make it worth rebuilding.

    Well it cost me like 10 for the supplies and i can make like 50 of them. So i saved at least 65$

  2. Ok. So i've got a bunch of them and the reason I saved them is because I wanted to rebuild them later on. I did start rebuilding them but it's too hard with my huge hands. I read that you can wash them and dry burn them to take the gunk off. But in all the videos showing this it seem like everybody's wicks are super white still, mine are black in the middle along with the flavor wick. Am i doing something wrong? I use Vamo 3. I check ohm first, prime it by inhaling without turning it on to get some juice on it. Then check ohm again. Do some quick puffs for 1-2s a few times to make sure the wick is soaked. Then check ohm again. And that's how i have been doing it all the time. Never had a burnt hit. But all the wicks are black around the coil. Which looks like they were burned. What happening with that and why is everybody elses soo clean? I clean them with hot water and brush the sides of the wick to get stuff off. I know some juices may cause the wick to go black, but i have a lot of clear liquids and they do the same to the wick.

  3. Okay, so I have been vaping for about 4 months now. Love it. I use KPT and a regulat ego-c twist. I know there are a lot of different batteries out there, but really how much of a difference do they make? Can anyone please make sense why to upgrade to a different battery except for the fact that it will last longer?

  4. I don't think it has changable coils. I actually don't know what res it is. I vape at 4.4. The clearomizer is the plastic see through tube right? It's the cartomizer.

    What do you guys when changing different liquids? Always flushing the cartomizer with hot water?

  5. So i bought the basic set up eGo-C twist with a clear 3ml tank and single coil cartomizer. I'm on a 3rd flavor juice and I can't taste it. If I smell the cartomizer from the top I can smell the 1st juice and it smells like it went bad. Anyway to clean it or do I just have to buy a new one? The first day I smoked it, it was great but after a while it started losing taste, someone told me to switch flavors to keep the taste going so I did.

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