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Posts posted by oper8tor2

  1. my sister was over the other day and shared an experience she had at our local, small airport. she is a lead with TSA at this airport and only after the experience did she recall my use of the PV... a man going thru the security check piont, upon discovery, was asked about his e-cig. he told them what it was then they asked to see it work. they took the cart off and pressed the switch. they heard crackling and saw what appeared to be smoke. TSA employees at this airport then concluded that it produces heat. a product that produces heat could be a potential hazard. so they took the safest route and confiscated 5 attys from him. they tried to compromise by letting him keep everything else. they only had concerns with the part that created the heat. i have since explained to my sister that there is not enough heat created to support ignition, showing her that my cart filler does not burn. does anyone know what the actual temp is? she also shared with me his outrage, understandable in my opinion, and his harsh response almost cost him his complete e-cig. so to make a long story even longer, the guidance from my sister is, (1) to separate the parts. TSA's ignorance plays to our favor in this respect. if they see a small unidentifiable doohickey that appears harmless they wont look or ask any farther. (2) check your attitude at the door. anger is perceived as a threat and will not ever make a TSA employee change their mind. remember they have guys with guns to back them up. i'll go to this local airport and give a demo to the TSA agents there. don't know what good it will do, but how can no action be of any help? i fly about 3 times a month and have had zero problems. my sister says that without the atty attached it looks like a laser pointer, which is allowed. just be discrete and life should go on hassle free.

    good luck all and happy vaping...............

  2. hey...weld atty to exhaust pipe and never need a battery!!!

    when i first read this i about fell out of my chair with laughter. then the wheels started turning. who knows the temperature needed to make vapor? there might be an alternative heat source here to work with. how to control it would be the key. i'm seeing a homemade mod in my future. one with two wheels.

  3. it's been 11 days since i received my protege. i got it with 510, 801, 901 attys. two sample packs of juice and extra batts. i've got no complaints yet. the first couple of days i hit it pretty hard and got about 12 hours out of the batteries. now that i'm be less obsessed with it and getting on with my normal life a fresh batt goes in in the morning and lasts all day. a spare atty in my pocket and a bottle of juice and i'm good to go. i focused on the 510 for the first week and like it pretty well. this week is the 901 try out. next week 801. vaping ry4,menthol,555,energy,cola :no (not my cup of tea),apple and looking forward to all the others. not a clear victor yet. i'm struggling with technique :wallbash: but getting enough satisfaction to keep me off analogs so far. i've got two packs in my possession but haven't been tempted enough to fall off the wagon yet. i'm finding i need to fill the cart on the 510 after about 5 or 6 hits. i seem to get twice as much from the 901. the 901 floods a lot easier than the 510. it's obviously an on going process. and i'm having a good time with it. smoking on my motorcycle is not an option but an idea has struck me. with a mount for the e-cig and a hose in the helmet i am sure i can vape and ride no problem. i am seeing the possibility of this being my silver bullet.

    thank you one and all for all the help you gave me. thank you guys for creating this forum. it is responsible for the great first experience i am having. this mod fits my life style perfectly. i'm looking forward to our continued friendship. :thumbsup:

  4. you all are awesome!!!! i received my protege from puresmoker today. only 4 days from order to delivery! :jump: i spent way too much but wanted to do all i could to fall in love with vaping right from the get go. i got 2 each of the 510, 801, 901 attys, 5 carts for each atty, a sample pak of juice, and extra batts.. also got a sample pak of juice from awesomevapor for a total of 60 ml.. i'm vaping the coca cola right now. seems adequate but not my cup of tea.

    i'm gettin great throat hit, great vapor. great flavor all right from the first vape on the 510. i can tell it will take a little while to get used to the difference in throat hit from analogs but that's small potato's. the best aspect so far is that my wife(who has a bionic nose)says it doesn't stink :hug: . that's worth every penny in its self. i bet you all can't guess my new years resolution....... i'm very much looking forward to experimenting with my new toy and learning more here with you all. btw am i understanding correctly that the 302 atty is the same thing as the 801?

    thank you everyone for my fantastic introduction to the wonderful world of vaping! you rock :punk:

    i owe it all to all of you for giving excellent guidance and instruction. :thumbsup:

  5. As to the toxicity of "propylene glycol",... My father in law has been working at the Hanford nuculear facility in richland, WA for over 25 years and whenever it is even suspected you may have been exposed to heavy metals or radioactive material you are required to ingest 1 litre of propylene glycol. So in over 25 years working there he says he has drank over 15 gallons of the stuff. It has the effect of absorbing heavy metals and radiation particles allowing your body to evacuate it naturaly ( I am sure you can guess how). He is now 62 and in fine health :) Of course you have to be one of the estimated 97% of Americans who are not allergic to it to be allowed to work there.

    Hope this clears some thing up lol, I have drank a litre of it myself as part of the final interview process at Hanford.

    propylene glycol safety

    thats an eye opener for me! i've been working the outages at diablo canyon nuke plant in central california for the last 15 years. i have to deal with external contamination from time to time.the radiation techs use a little tape to pluck it off or scrub a bit for the stubborn stuff. i never spoke with anyone that had internal contamination though. i know we ingest pg in many of the products we use daily. i'll definetly seek out a chem tech for a more advanced radiation education than they have been giving us thus far. we have a reactor head replacement coming up.

    i guess they think us construction grunts can't understand that there chemistry stuff.

    thank you very much for the insight!!!!

  6. many of the products we use can be good for us, or poisonous. it all depends on concentration. oxygen for example, in diluted form in the air is good. but a pure oxygen environment is very bad/poisonous.

    PG in the correct concentration is an excellent disinfectant. don't worry, we aren't getting poisoned.

    here is some info from EET corporation. keep in mind PG and EG are just the base ingredients in antifreeze.

    What is the difference between ethylene glycol and propylene glycol?

    Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are chemically similar. Ethylene glycol has the chemical formula C2H6O2. Propylene has the chemical formula C3H8O2. Ethylene glycol has a slightly higher boiling point than propylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is less expensive to produce and is more widely used. Propylene glycol is less toxic.

    Back to Top

    I have seen propylene glycol based antifreeze sold as an environmentally friendly alternative to ethylene glycol based antifreeze. Is this true?

    Both propylene glycol and ethylene glycol have similar biodegradability and will eventually break down into nontoxic byproducts. Neither should be dumped in the environment. Antifreeze picks up heavy metals such as lead during use in the engine. Therefore, both ethylene glycol and propylene glycol antifreezes should be returned to a recycling center to minimize harmful effects on our environment after use. Spills should be cleaned up immediately.

    Ethylene glycol is more toxic than propylene glycol. Ingesting a small amount of ethylene glycol is far more dangerous for small children or animals, for example, than ingesting a small amount of propylene glycol. Take appropriate steps to prevent the ingestion of either ethylene or propylene glycol, as well as new or used engine coolants containing these glycols.

  7. has anyone here used the lipton pyramid tea bag as filler for a while? how bout the aquarium filter material.

    fluval i think its called. what are the pros and cons?

    i'm interested in ease of use, durability, performance, etc. .... what other favorites are out there?

    i just can't wait to play with my new toy!!!

  8. being a noobie i can't speak with authority yet. i'm curious though. is the straw mod to the cart supposed to help this kind of situation? i believe i saw a vid by moobieghost about this. i also read using a pyramid tea bag cart refill gives a very nice draw as well.

    i hope you find your perfect vape soon. your in the right place. these guys helped me a ton. made my research quick and painless.

  9. say it aint so... i can't quit researching this stuff. it's like a new toy for me right now. i just ordered a protege yesterday, yippee!!!!!!! my first e-cig.

    while looking for a back up e-cig i stumbled across an article that stated 2 to 3 month life span is to be expected. i don't feel i'm understanding correctly. somebody please tell me you get a lot more out of yours.

  10. Welcome back! I believe the "anti-freeze" comment was made by the FDA, but what they neglected to say is that the same chemical is also found in may foods, moisturizers, and a gazillion other household products. :)

    pg is the base ingredient in many antifreeze brands. but not so very long ago, it was also the number one disinfectant for hospitals. there were plans to inject it into air systems of large buildings too. allergic reaction to pg buy some people when inhaled made that plan obsolete. many of the things we use today can be a benefit to us or a poison. it all depends on the concentration.

  11. I take my E-Cig gear with me everywhere, bad weather, boating and all..When I feel any of it is at risk to get wet or dirty I put the cases parts etc in the small heavy duty ziplocks that the mail order E-liquid comes in to protect it.Doing this saved me from a leaking soft cooler front pouch that somehow got flooded and could have taken out a bunch of my gear!!!

    In a work environment like yours take care of your gear and it will work great..There is also a thing someone did by emptying a hand sanatizer case that looks like a sharpie from the local drug store and removed the inner cap cleaned out and it converts to a nice case with clip to store a E-Cig.It was made for a 510 in the video I saw, but i am not sure if any longer/wider units would fit.

    sounds like you don't know when to come out of the rain either. thanx for the tip. ziplocks will be my best freind from now on.

  12. Welcome to the VT forums Operator :) Just a thought on having a 12v power supply for recharging/passthrough or whatever,.. would one of the rechargable jumper pack for starting dead car batts fit in the cab of the dozer somewhere with you? Most of them have the utility of a 12v cigarette lighter plug or 2 as well as the jumper cable utility and would last for TONS of recharges for an e-cig, and very long usage for a passthrough (like 36hours or more). just a thought.

    thanx for the suggestion.. it's usually a fight just to find a place for the lunch box. don't think this idea is workable for my situation.

    on another note, whats the deal with high and low bridge attys?

    where can i look for discount codes for VP2 or PROTEGE?

    any negatives on either of these models?

    thanx again all........................

  13. ok.. i'm down to the play off.. my starter kit will include, manuel batt, 510 and 901 attys(high bridge low bridge whats the difference?), alots of different juice's, spare batts, extra carts, refill tools, then last but not least a PROTEGE or VP2... maybe a coin toss to make the choice. anybody have any dirt on these two?

    any ideas how i can save a buck on the protege or vp2? maybe a lead on a discount code. have i forgotten anything on my shopping list?? another thought just ocurred to me. i plan on skiing my butt of this winter and california skiing can get very wet at times. any issues with a wet enviroment? sometimes i don't know when to come out of the rain.

    THANX AGAIN ALL FOR BEING SO HELPFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. the Joye passthrough at less than $20.00 has the same 360 mAh battery that the popular 3.7 volt mods have and you can get a 24 volt usb charger.

    24 volt usb charger? wow, i would have never expected that. i figured that would be a rare need. good info, thanx.

    as far as having a car close by, no way. on the rare occasion on a small job but generally it's just me the dozer and my lunch box and tunes, gotsta have the tunes.

    i just watched the vid review on this site of the vp2 with the 510. he mentioned he droped it like 4 times with no ill effects. fragile is bad but this sounded like at least a light beating. i think that is as tough as i need. bullet proof is ideal but i'm also a realist. i'm starting to get excited. the field of choices are narrowing.

    thanx again all!!!!!!!!!!! this is a great place!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I would get the 510 a couple extra atty's ,some mega batteries and a passthrough .And makes sure you keep enough juice on hand that you don't run dry.I use a little over 15 ml a week and I get paid every other week and it three to five days for shipping so I try to keep four or more bottles on hand.I had a few times sweatin it out waiting for the mailman to arrive.

    first of all, thanx for all your response. to speakeasy, your right there are no free limbs while pushin with a dozer. not a big deal for me though, i just include half a smoke when i take a leak. then make up the difference at lunch and break. D11!!!!! i'm jelous!!!! 6 and 7 are my favs. they are like the race car of dozers. great for roads, building pads, fire breaks. plenty of juice, copy that, it will be in the lunch box. passthrough cant work for me, nothing to plug into. i'm concerned about the two hour batt life of the 510. i think its a little short for my needs. with extra atty (just in case), extra batt's, juice, carts, pcc, and what ever else i'm forgettin, my shirt pocket sounds like it's gettin a little full. maybe i'm leaning toward a mod. are they tempremental?

  16. i've been reading alot (and watching vids) and got the message loud and clear that this e-cig thing boils down to personal preferance. i like the idea of the 501. i think i like the 901. oh but wait, i think i like the idea of the prodige and then there's the janty stick. i'm sure they all have thier place. i know i'm going to want a throat hit and i'm pretty sure i'm going to want good vapor as well. and i want the battery and atomizer to last for ever. :lol: and i want it for next to free. is that asking too much. :innocent: all the difference of opinion has got me spinning. i'm so confused. :(

    a little about me, i am 50 now and been very active my whole life. my analog cig habit is starting to take its toll on me now. i've never been a heavy smoker (2 to 3 packs a week) but i really really like smoking. it's my last vice and i can't get control of it. vaping makes alot of sense to me. i'm praying this is my way to a healthier, and better performing life style. dirt bikes and snow skiing require good lungs and struggle as i may, i keep going back to the smokes. i luv my marboros. i am a cheap bastad and demand great performance, bullet proof durability, and low maintenance in pretty much all that i work with. and i don't like to compomise very often. that being said, i am a heavy equipment operator and work in remote areas often. so i know that reality requires that you do whatever it takes to get the job done. i like to tinker with things to get better performance. i'am also happy to do maintenance to insure good performance. but do overs bother me. i've got alot more time than money, so i have no problem doing alot of homework to prevent bad spending. information from an experienced human, i feel is far more valuable than anything else in my opinion. when buying a car i'll talk to the mechanic before the sales man.

    i haven't seen a vid or read any info from someone that describes themself as having this sort of background. if i could hear from this kind of person it would help give me confidence in the decision making process.

    the size of mods doesn't bother me but portability and durability and convienence in adverse conditions is paramount. work and play for me is in hot, dirty, dusty and somtimes wet enviroments with alot of vibration and impacts. in the winter, well lets swap the word hot with cold. i also forsee charging batteries as being a challenge for me. sometimes it's just me and my bulldozer in the middle of nowhere for up to 12 maybe 16 hours.

    any and all suggestions and recomendations are welcomed. i just want to start with the correct foot forward as inexpensivly as possible.

    thanx so much for taking the time to read my rambling.

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