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Posts posted by ElixirVapors

  1. I think that the biggest problem is that while they are helpful and people are uneducated about the benefits...you can't exactly educate them about the benefits for risk of making "health claims" that aren't FDA approved..thus now giving the FDA a reason to take someone to court and further try to regulate them or ban them further because we all know where thier alliegences really are (money in taxing cigs). Until the FDA can find a way to tax cigs aswell we dont want to open a can of worms for them to potential find some ridiculous ground to ban them altogether.

  2. I definitely think it would be a good move in the right direction. The e-cig community has EXPLODED in recent yrs from something barely heard of, to the big new thing. I feel jumping in now would be the best decision in creating a loyal customer base that stay true to you when others decide to finally jump on the bandwagon. I really don't think e-cigs are going to go away. They are pretty much here to stay in some form or another.

    And I definitely agree with Fishegg, having a juice vendor right down the street is any vapers dream, and to be in such a big area as CHICAGO....thats just a perfect equation for success.

    I personally am going to also put as much money as possible into the first e-cig stock i come across..i forsee it have returns of the likes of Apple!

    GO FOR IT!!!!

  3. As a female I think the main thing I saw in your topic was the weight gain inquiry. lol!! I've been vaping for about 3 yrs now and have not gained any weight in relation to vaping (only due to my change in jobs from being extremely active to sitting on my booty in a call center....STAY AWAY FROM THOSE!! not the e-cig!! lol!)

    But yes, like most have pointed out, vaping can dehydrate you...so unless you drink water to compensate you may experience a little bloating. WATER WATER WATER!! but that's just life =]=]

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