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Posts posted by kellyjo

  1. What do you do when everyone who sees you vaping and/or talks to you about it wants to try yours out or "borrow" it? Geez...I can't afford to buy everyone I know a starter kit although I would like to. I think everyone who smokes should have one of these things! I love it that much! Wow. Kind of a nice problem to have but it could become a problem. LOL

  2. ive been reading about people having problems with the 510 atomizers that theres a metallic taste. i also think i have a problem with mine, but it doesnt taste metallic,just really disgusting, so im going to order another one soon today. im just wondering if there are any atomizers that work for the 510 unit that doesnt have problems... im tired of spending so much money.. it never stops dammit lol... and ontop of that i bought straberry juice which is horrible by the way, so i have to buy another one

    im planning on ordering the atomizer and menthol juice from arno. hows his menthol juice and atomizers?


    I actually love anything from Arno. I used to smoke light analogs but tried the menthol because my son had it. I love it. I didn't smoke menthols but I love the flavor. I don't like the "regular" tobacco flavors.


  3. I received my 510 on a Tuesday. For the rest of the week I vaped in the evenings and smoked analogs at work during the day. All day long at work I missed my vape. It is truely amazing. That Saturday was the 1st full day of vaping and haven't had an analog since. I had tried to quit several time many years ago, but it never lasted long. Got to where the anxiety of even thinking about quitting would cause me to smoke even more. I had pretty much given up on even trying to quit until I found vaping. :)

    Received my 901 on December 2nd and haven't looked back. My son had his 501 for almost a week then. A week later I fully supplied my Dad with 2 901s from my "supply" I am building up. We are all doing great. Keep up the good work everyone! And Hello!


  4. You hit the nail on the head!!!

    I am glad my money is going somewhere else,they used us long enough!!!

    I am glad I will get my share of SS and Medicare its gonna take longer to get the same amount anyway!!!!

    And Yes they do think that way..Just dont admit it...

    Why would they admit it to their "admiring" public, the voters who are supposed to be told the truth!?! Geez. I don't want my ecig taken away. I have been using it for 9 days...no analogs since it arrived in the mail. AT ALL! I am free and totally loving it. I stepped down to 11 mg today.

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