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Posts posted by Snarkyone

  1. Hey gang if you have heard of the JuiceBox Mod by Carlos I have a review of this vaping machine for those curious. If your looking for a mod that will last all day on a single battery, a week without adding juice, and an atomizer that is hand crafted and has yet to have one fail in over 6 months of heavy use then look no further than this mod. I have had a few of different kits and mods and this one is the cream of the crop for performance, price, and ingenuity. Check out my video review.

    Video Review Click Here

  2. While I applaud your faith in your fellow man, I don't share it at all. People that are in the anti crowd rarely change their position on a subject no matter what facts are presented to them, take a look at any church on Sunday to see what I mean or take a look at the long standing marijuana laws on the books in the US despite proof that it is actually beneficial and no where near as harmful as the fear mongers in government, schools, and law enforcement would have you believe and have been telling you for years. If you think that education will change these peoples minds I fear you are in for a major disappointment.

  3. Well in answer to your issue with your dad I want to know what model you bought him? I have found that with people of my parent's generation (I am 44) tend to not want to deal with the filling, dripping, dipping, filler hunting, modding to get it to work right that many of the 3pc models require. It's just way too much hassle for them to fiddle with all that, hell I don't blame them it's too much hassle for me that's why I went with a 2pc cartomizer like a KR808D-1 or GreenCig which I prefer. People don't want to get these things and have to fiddle with them all the time to have a smoke!

    I gave my mom my old m401 dragon and I didn't even bother telling her about how to fill the carts or what filler to use, since I know my mother and I KNOW that she would not be doing that very long if at all. I just told her to dip in a juice that you carry in a contact lens case and she has been doing that, but still smokes....the convenience of reaching into the cigarette pack and firing one up is just too much for her to stick with it. I don't have a spare cartomizer to give her so I won't bother wasting any more time or money on her, plain and simple she is just too bullheaded to stick with it, that's sad for her.

    I have found that those who have the greatest success with using E-cigs to completely quit smoking are those that actually COMMIT themselves to NOT BUY TOBACCO CIGARETTES, and don't have any around them to smoke along with vaping. You won't get a chance for the taste of burning tobacco to leave your system so that you can see the difference in taste. For example, I didn't smoke a single tobacco cigarette for 2 straight weeks the day my Dragon m401 arrived, and at the 2 week mark I went to the parents house and picked up one of my mothers Winston's and took a drag and it tasted like crap and I could tell that I was on track. I then tried stuck with nothing but vaping for another 2 weeks and did it again and it tasted worse and it even brought back a little bit of that feeling and taste from when I first started smoking. At the 2 month mark of no tobacco cigarettes I did it again and it was as if I had never tasted one before in my life and it tasted really bad. It made me wonder how the hell I got started on that habit in the first place, the things we will do to fit in I guess, I really don't know anymore why I started smoking to be honest. After going more than 2 months without smoking a tobacco cigarette except for the few drags in those experiments I have no doubt that I won't be going back to tobacco smoking ever. The biggest part is to not reach for the tobacco the first couple of weeks, if you have to tape the E-Cig in your mouth and suck on it like a pacifier if that's what it takes to stay away from smoking, trust me it will work out, you will see and taste the difference. I am with you though I don't get it either, why bother to do both that just makes no sense to me. Pick one and be done with it, don't play around with it.

  4. Well with my background as an electronic engineer and my work in the semiconductor industry I can take a pretty good guess at how they regulate the voltage so that it never drops below 5v but I will leave the suspense in the air....

    Doofus, did you try using Fluval yet for the 510, I swear it's better than the original filler. I have not used the PTB yet but talking with others that have they say the Fluval is nice as well if not better. It's certainly easier and cheap that's for sure. In case you don't know what it is you can get it at pet stores, it's a water filter for aquariums. You know how fragile fish are so if it's safe for them it's safe for us as well so don't sweat it. There are no chemicals on it or anything. It is easy to use, you can literally cut it to size and slide it into the carts. Wicks well and one box will last a looooong time. I use the Fluval 4 pad pack style A-190 it cost like $6 and will last me a year if not longer.

  5. Yeah a box mod is nice thing to have especially with a 510 and the crappy battery life they have. I just looked at the last version there and I almost made the same thing with a box from Radio Shack. Good work.

  6. ProfBeard hit it right on the head, all a big battery mod is a power supply for the atomizer or business end of the E-cig. There are some that offer some nice form to go with the function like the GLV which is pretty sekzy looking, or the shiny Silver Bullet with it's nice shiny finish just looks indestructible, but they are just battery holders when you break it down to their base function.

  7. Here is what I have found to be true. 6v is too much, it's too easy to burn it and get the nasty taste and it just eats the juice up big time. 4.7 - 5v is what I have found to be the "sweet spot" for flavor and vapor production. 3.7 is fine but not great, it gets the job done but lacks the oomph to push it to the "flavor zone" for lack of a better word. If you get a mod I would urge you to get one that has the 5v option you will really see the difference in taste, vapor and throat hit big time. You will think you are smoking a tobacco cigarette, it's that good. There is one that you can build yourself called a Detonator that is pretty easy to build if you don't want to spend lots of cash on one.

  8. I have some Fairies Finest flavors that I bought and use for mixing up e-juice and I like it just fine. I got it when I saw a post on another forum where someone had used it. I bought 2X vanilla which is nice but next time it's the 4X. I also have chocolate, and rootbeer which are both nice but the chocolate makes the juice really dark and I don't like that. The rootbeer is strong, and I bought that with the intention of trying to make a rootbeer float with the vanilla I just haven't done it yet. The shipping was fast and compared to the cost of what you get from Loranns it's a better deal the bottles are bigger as well, drams to oz is a bit different.

  9. I was like you before I got the first cat in my life for my daughter. The cats I have are like dogs! In fact, BabyGirl is the dogs BFF she sleeps with Coco (the dog) and grooms her all the time. The dog will jump in and protect BabyGirl from Lenny (big cat) when the cats go at it! The dog runs over and puts her head in there and runs Lenny off! Lenny follows me around all day long and sits either at my feet or on the chair right next to me like a lap dog. He is a head butt fiend too, he rams his forehead on the bony part of your shin and it hurts like hell!

    These cats all are attention hounds, you can't play with one without the other coming in to horn in, EVER. Same thing if you are petting the dog the cats come over and demand their share. BabyGirl comes up and begs food all the time especially chicken and steak. I never had a cat in my life before these guys and it amazed me. I always thought they would not come when you call them, and stuff like that but it's simply not true. Maybe I have weird cats I dunno, but they act like dogs more than cats a lot of the time. BabyGirl is curled up with Coco on Coco's bed right now while I am writing this.

  10. Have a m401, a 510 w/6v mod, KR808D-1, and GreenCig and I can tell you right now that the KR808D-1 is the what I would get him. The 510 is more hassle than it's worth with the different mods for the carts, the search for filler, the mess, the constant refilling and dripping is not appealing at all. That's a lot of hassle for someone to switch over. You don't have those issues with the KR808D-1 or GreenCig. These are cartomizers and yes they can be refilled. In fact it's much easier and cleaner to fill up a KR808D-1 or GreenCig than it is any of the 3pc models. The carts last a lot longer as well. That was the one thing that kept me from getting a cartomizer first when I started looking at this stuff. I just didn't believe it lasted for a full pack especially after getting my first model the Dragon from Truesmoker which is a badged m401 but it's true. One cart last me about 24 hours same as a pack of Marlboro's would have. The technology difference is huge between the models as well, the 3 pc units might as well have come from the stone age compared to the GreenCig design. I don't know how old your dad is or what his personality is like but you need to take into consideration if he is going to bother with the 3 pc hassles once he sees what all is involved and how fast they drain dry and need to be tended. No matter what kit you get him it would be a good idea to get him a passthrough if he sits at the PC at all. Those hit like a tobacco cigarette every time with the constant power.

  11. Don't play with PG around your cats or leave it where they can get into it or be exposed. It is highly toxic to them and will kill them. I would hate for someone to find this out the hard way. Be sure to clean up any PG you spill or leave around when refilling your carts. I don't think blowing the vapor at them will kill them I'm sure it would take a lot of it that way, but the liquid form is a no no for them for sure!!!

  12. I am not at the 2 month mark but I am over 40 days, I have not imported my banner over, I have it on enough places, lol! I have been like you, buying a few different models and a mod to play with. I think you should check out the KR808D-1 you got for your dad. I loved it, the carts last a good day of vaping for me and I got a GreenCig one after that as well which is the best of the bunch in my eyes, and the carts are even better than the KR808D-1 carts. They are so far advanced technologically as to make the rest of the E-Cigs look like something from the Flintstones.

  13. I don't clean the atomizers, they are consumables. I have a few devices that I use so none of the 3 piece units get a lot of work. The smart thing to do is replace them every other month or so. It will seem like you have a new kit without the cost of one. Soaking and playing around with the atomizers have been hit or miss for me so I don't bother with it, and like I said these were designed to be consumables, I think of them like oil filters in our automobiles, just change it out every 3000 puffs.

  14. I like vaping deep into the night (go to bed around 4am, usually), and sometimes get a scratchy throat and cough when I first turn in. I find that drinking a bit of V8, swishing it around some before swallowing, will usually cure it.

    Switch to a VG based juice and watch the cough disappear.

  15. I have been down your path and spent the last month educating myself and others and testing a wide variety of E-Cigs. I have had a Dragon/m401 which is what I started with and it got me off tobacco cigarettes. The 510 came next and I don't care for that as others do, the carts are a pain in the butt, the battery sucks, the vapor is harsh which I think many people confuse with throat hit since they really don't know any better, not because they are stupid or anything. It takes a few days to break in and it does mellow over time but never matches the others in taste until you bump up the voltage with a mod magnummod.jpgThat one there cost about $25 to build and is a beast. It uses either 2 CR2 3v batteries for a day of use or one 18500 3.7v for a couple of days at with no drop off in vapor really.

    I then went to the KR808D-1 and loved it! I was leery about the cartomizers at first because I just flat out did not believe that they were worth the few extra dollars because no cart that I seen would last the equal of a pack of cigarettes as so many people claimed. I finally bought one and I enjoyed it the brief time I had it since it only took the one charge and I returned it and got the GreenCig 220 kit instead. Why you ask? Well there was a little more to the story. The first KR808D-1 I received didn't charge at all, it was DOA. The supplier was cool and sent the replacement immediately without waiting for me to return the bad one, which is rare let me tell you. The second battery he sent me I think had a charge on it already because it was green in the charger upon plugging it in so I used it to vape for 24 hours with ONE cartridge, when I went to recharge it, it would not recharge which led me to believe it was the charger perhaps but I don't know for sure. After that happened I said ah the heck with it, I had been eyeballing the GreenCig kit since day one and I just asked if I could upgrade to that and the supplier had no problem with it.

    I also know that most of us end up with more than one type of kit. 98% of the people I see that vape have multiple kits, they really aren't all that expensive compared to buying 3-4 cartons of cigarettes in a month at $60 a carton. If you only want to buy one kit and have the best possible kit I would say either the KR808D-1 or the GreenCig. Cartomizers can be refilled and it's not that hard really. In fact, the KR808D-1 is easier, cleaner and faster to fill than the 3pc models and the GreenCig is not so hard to refill either. Long term cost the difference between the two styles is really not that much all things considered. I didn't say a whole lot about the GreenCig cartomizer in this post because I have some pics to share that will blow you away that will show you how much more there is to the technology of the GreenCig compared to others. Hope this helps with your choice but don't sweat it too much like I said most people end up with multiple kits.

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