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Posts posted by pearlyvictoria

  1. I need to add something... after reading the article http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57379260-10391704/electronic-cigarette-explodes-in-mans-mouth-causes-serious-injuries/, it contains some things that are not true. For one, it says that the ecig is highly addictive. That, I know for sure, is untrue. From the very first hit, I have not had a real cigarette at all. I can be around people who do smoke and not want to smoke myself. Saying that to say I purchased a lew of juices and three 810s and now hardly even remember I have them. Every once in a while I will use one. I no longer smoke and do not vape that much.

    This is from the article... "

    The Food and Drug Administration posted a warning about the cigarettes on its website in October, saying that e-cigarettes were "highly addictive," could contain dangerous chemicals like nicotine and might encourage kids to try other tobacco products.

    In 2010, the FDA sent letters to some e-cigarette makers for violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act including "violations of good manufacturing practices, making unsubstantiated drug claims and using the devices as delivery mechanisms for active pharmaceutical ingredients," according to the FDA website."

  2. While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed.

    The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take.

    I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident.

    I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise.

    Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery.

    I agree. I tried to go to the ECF and cannot access the site.

    When I heard this story earlier this morning on KFI's Bill Handel legal show, the first thing I thought about was maybe he was using a modified version. That's not to diminish his serious incident at all. His injuries sound devastating.

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