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Posts posted by minedbojo

  1. I saw Grimmgreens review of the Harley 56 some time ago and decided to give it a try. I ordered the Harley 56 6mg (haha 6mg; im a light weight), shipping was quick within three days it was at my door.

    I always have this habbit of smelling the Juice first for some reason. When I did I got this bad smell; kind of like vommit. Crazy right; well even after that experience I dripped in my BB and gave it a vape. WOW! awesome flavor; I got a sweet tobacco flavor with a hint of caramel. Kind of like the popular Mbro flavors out there but with a hint of caramel. My wife was next to me Facebooking it like always and she turned to me and said that it smelled like Caramel. I was hooked on it and could not vape anything else. Before I knew I was out;"I WANT MORE"!!!! :|

    The thing is they have been out of stock for some time now. ITS DRIVING ME NUTS!!! New company and there can't keep up with the demand already :censored: ! This killed it for me; i'm moving on.

  2. +1 on the pics! I'm quite interested in your final impression as I do like what I know about the Silver Bullet. It's in my 6V lineup for 'some day.' I wonder about the paint job too; is it paint or powder coated? If powder coat, it might hold up despite the flaws.

    No its not powder coat its just regular paint; and I've been taking some pics to reflect some of the flaws mentioned on my post but having a hard time with it. I'll do my best.

  3. Hi All,

    Just received my new Smooth Black Siver Bullet this week from Altsmoke. I have not yet received my batteries that I ordered seperately from Battery Junction so I will post my impressions on the operating part of the BSB later.

    My initial impressions: :coffee:

    Packing: The unit did not arrive in any fancy box; just wrapped up in a cloth like material and another wraping of bubble wrap on top. :huh:

    Dimension: The unit measured 4 1/4in in length without the Atty and with the Atty its about 6 3/16in; and 1in in diameter. This supprised me; after reading many reviews I really thought it being much bigger. But suprisingly much smaller than anticipated. The weight of the unit without batteries is about 115.42grams without the Atty and 120.54grams with the Atty. I'm a big guy and it does not feel heavy nor bulky to me; Im a Technician and use alot of tools. This unit feels like a good well made tool and has a great weight to it. "It feels awesome in your hands". :thumbsup:

    Color: The unit does have a smooth black finish on it but I noticed multiple painted over dust particles or debrie that must of contaminated the unit before paint. I can also notice a paint diformity on the bottom battery housing around 3/4in in lenth and 1/2in in thikness. I can feel the lump when I run my thumb over it. There is a small nick at the top of the unit next to the button that went all the down to the metal you can see the light reflect off it. Due to the quality of the paint job; It is my opinion that it will not last long and you would have to treat it with pins and needles or have a bad looking device with all the paint nicks its going to have."I should of gotten the traditional Silver". :no

    Manual Button Feature: The button on this unit is silver 3/4in in diameter and is recessed on the top housing of the unit. Due to this button being resessed; you would not have to worry about the device activating by accident in you pocket. The button has an easy feel when pressing on it; does not take much and can easily be pressed. It has a light spring feeling to it; "high quality". Well these are my initial thoughts on the device; I will see the operating part later when my batteries come in.

  4. We appreciate you giving us all the feedback. I am sure I'm not the only one who considered purchasing one of these to clean my atty's. I will wait until we have more feedback now because of this review.


    I recently used an ultrasonic cleaner at work; the sonic is a medical grade Olympus model KS-2. It has a timer and it heats the water automatically. I set two attys in there; and ran it for about half an hour.

    I did notice that it cleaned them very well. I put them under a mag glass and did not see any crud of buildup as I usually see. The only issue I found is that the black paint of the atty started to chip off. Well the attys are about three months old now and have been through hell already.

    I used to soak the attys in hot water for about 2 to 3 hours before to clean them; now with the sonic It cleans them in half an hour. After the sonic I blow it out with a small compressor I have in the shop.

    This has worked for me so far.

  5. So I said I would pick up an Ultra Sonic cleaner and test things out for you guys. So I did. So far, I'm not feeling it much. I took some really used attys and threw them inside the ultrasonic cleaner for a 6 minutes spin. Then I emptied the water and did it one more time. The result? Same crappy taste. In fact it seemed even worse :lol:

    I'm still messing with it when I have the time. I have a feeling perhaps if you made this a weekly routine it would work. As for trying to bring back old attys, not so much.

    I'll post back here as I play with it some more :)

    Hey Christopher did you put in hot water in the sonic or cold? I used to use a sonic to clean my pcb boards were I used to work; I needed to use hot water in combo with the sonic in order to remove residue and gunk from the boards; Maybe this is what you need. How about some coffee pot cleaner works well with gunk & residue from coffee pots and does not leave a bad after taste after. This might work if you add it in the sonic. I usually buy mine @ smart & final. You know I think I will experiment with cleaning my attys to see if it works.

    Good Luck Christopher! :thumbsup:

  6. :doctor: I currently work in a Hospital where smoking is severly restricted. I was very worried about vaping there; but to my suprise so far after two months. Everyone has taken it very well; my supervisor is ok with it. I'm allowed to vape in the repair shop(i'm a technitian I repair medical equipment); it does not bother anyone. Actually my coworkers are happy that I do not smoke anymore. My supervisor likes the idea that I don't have to take smoking breaks and keep working and getting to fix and my fix...get it...fix & fix...hehe :blink: "anyway!". I guess I've been lucky; my supervisor mentioned that employees smoking has been coming up in managers meetings alot due to patient complaints and the image we are giving to the patients. It makes sense that we are working in a Hospital and we want to promote good health. He mentioned that one of the managers brought up vaping and added it would be a great alternative for patients aswell as employees. My sup said that there are looking into it; he said they were very interested. He also added if I could demo my 510 in one of those meeting if needed. Of course I said; I would gladly demo it for them.

    Well Im curious to find out any other experiences from members in a Hospital of medical setting. Hope your experience was as pleasant as mine; if not i want to hear about it anyway. Thanks guys. :doctor:

  7. :wave: Hello all

    Im currently thinking of purchasing a vp2 and was wondering; what would be the best and cheapest atty config to go with? :wacko: I currently own a 510 titan and thats all i've used; I'm a noob and this is my first pv. Im ready for the next step but would like your imput on the matter. :pc:

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