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Posts posted by Pekingduk

  1. So I recieved my 510 yesterday and was giddy like a school girl. Having spent the weekend with 2 friends who had a 901 and another one I never got the name of, i was psyched. I did the charging during the day and vaped for a good 4-5 hours in the evening (while finishing batman, awesome game, buy it) and used all day in the car at work. I drive 10 hours a day so i did much switching of the 2 starter batts but all was good. One problem.... the vapor production.... not as awesome as I see in like EVERY VIDEO!!!! I got the 510 specifically because it was touted as "the best". Now dont get me wrong, it doesn't suck.... but the vapor isn't there like it is for alot of other ppl I've seen. I thought, maybe it's the juice. I have dulcis, mentha, and awesomevapor banana, but realized that chris probably uses his stuff in the video and his vapor was good. Anyone have any ideas???

    EDIT: Wanted to add... vapor production is better indoors then in a moving vehicle. Maybe air turbulance or something. My friend with the 901 confirmed this. He said his doesnt make good vapor in a car with the windows down either.

    I use a Joye 510 and I do really love it. I do drip into the cart. I use JohnsonCreek Reduced PG Juice and that may produce a little more vapor with the vegetable glycerine aspect. And, I do drip, or drip my e-liquid into the cart. I don't really replace one cart for another. I just remove my cart, drop juice into the cart, and put it back and vape away. I get nice vapor with this method on my 510. I've not had a bad experience using this method. Hope this helps.

  2. Ok, now I know I should qualify what I said in my recommendation. One can't recommend a product without backing it up, right?

    I will say this. I placed my order. Paypal accepted. Easy-peasy. Ok, this is a manufacturers website. Good prices, but it's in China. Has some distance to travel.

    Tracking number given. I was able to track my order as if I had placed it within the US. Good thing.

    Fast, went out immediately. Into customs in China. Released.

    Then into US customs. Released.

    Then I was out running errands. I though it would take a day or two. Nope, by the time I got home, I had a "missed you" note from USPS so I went to the Post Office and picked up my parcel from China. 1 day past a week and I had my order. Can't say that the domestic order do a much better.

    And, I'm puffing away on my M401 right now, and it's a great e-cig if I do say so myself.

    I like to go domestic when I can. But Absolutelyecigs is a great option for SMOORE M401s if you're gonna go that direction.

    Kathryn (puffing away)

  3. I placed an order for a starter kit, and accessories from Absolutelyecigs.com and had great service. I will put them up for recommendation, here and now. I'm going to be going back again and again for my M401-M402-M403 needs. Awesome service. Awesome product. Can't say enough about how good it was. M401 are one of my 1st, and favorites. If I buy them, it will be from this site. SMOORE rocks the house!

  4. You might think it doesnt work, BUT IT DOES. If EVERYONE gets involved, if EVERYONE e mails thier Senators and Congressmen, they will listen, we will be heard.

    It's at the point where it doesn't matter if it works. It is at the point where it must be done. We are in the narrows. If California goes, how far behind do you think your state will be? Weeks? Months? Make you statements now. Many and often. Just, please make them.

    I swear if there is one state left that does not fall to this blind big Pharma/tobacco law, then I will move there and start my own e-cig shop. But, I know that once one falls, they will topple like dominos. It's your life. Your health. It should be your choice.

  5. This is the letter I sent. Sorry, can't take it back now. Wouldn't want to. I will write more, and often. Please take anything that you can use, just make you opinion heard. You should count. I am not saying that you do count, but you should count. Be heard.

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    * - Required field.

    Your position: Con Pro *

    Subject: *

    Write your email:

    Dear Congressman,

    I apologize if my salutation is inaccurate, I mean no disrespect. I am writing to plead with you to denounce, or at least postpone the ban on electronic cigarettes. I have found them to be a Godsend. I was able to quit 'smoking' in 3 days. I know that I am still a slave to nicotine, and that is ok with me for the moment. I know I can use this medium to reduce my need for nicotine to a minimal level and ten to quit altogether. But, I don't want that choice, or option taken away from me by the government that is there to serve me. I am well aware that cigarettes are harmful. I have been smoking since I was a teen. And now, I am not a smoker. I use an electronic cigarette to deliver a metered dose of nicotine and preforms as a traditional cigarette would. My health has improved, and I feel better, improved, and I am distressed to think that my government is now going to send me back to smoking the traditional cigarettes and all the health hazards that go along with tobacco.

    I know you and many other who are making these decisions are trying to do so in our best interest. Electronic cigarettes are new, un-tested, unregulated. But, they work. They do something that all the other methods do not do. They replicate the feel and the satisfaction of smoking and therefore, easily replace the traditional tobacco cigarette. I am asking, and pleading with you, do not ban electronic cigarettes yet. Allow for more testing. Make them legitimate. Find a way to keep them an option until they are found to be exactly what they are, an alternative to a destructive addiction. Heroin addicts are given another opium product, Methadone to treat their addiction. This can't be worse than that. As a medic I know that Methadone is a lethal drug, but yet it is sanctioned. And, as a medic, I constantly see patients who could have benefited with a product such as the electronic cigarette, but it didn't come in time to prevent them from incurring serious damage. But, the future can be changed. All that can be changed if you give electronic cigarettes, vaporized nicotine delivery, it's rightful chance.

    Why is it more legitimate if I stick a nicotine patch on my arm? Or take some drug that will (and has) given me horrible side effect? I have tried these options, and have gotten sick, had allergic reactions, and just plan thrown good money away. Electronic vaporizers, i know, do work. I wish I had know this thousands of dollars ago. But, I have given my money to pharma-co., and hypno-co., and now I have quite. I am a non smoker. I am a non smoker! I do get my nicotine. That hasn't changed. But, I get it vaporized, not in a sticky patch that I have to pay a premium for, and have to wear all day, and doesn't work anyway because it doesn't deal with all aspects of cigarette addiction. If you want to do nothing, status quo. Then pass the ban. If you want to really help people, wait. Talk to your constituents who have used the product. Hell, find someone in your office who is a smoker. Have them try the product and then make a decision. How can you make a decision that will effect so many without all the proper information? Hey, go out an talk to smoker who have had their life dramatically changed after quitting with the aid of electronic cigarettes. There are many!


    I have tried many, if not all of the methods to quit smoking and I have not been successful with any, until I started using the e-cigarette. Now, I feel like I've been given a new life but I know it's about to be yanked out from under me. Please take the time to look at this issue in a personal perspective before you make you decision. If you had someone you loved who was a smoker, wouldn't you want a healthier alternative? I know you would want them to just quit. But, that is not an option for most. Wouldn't the use of a nicotine vaporizer be preferable to a tobacco cigarette with it's mirada of harmful chemicals and combustible materials?

    You decision will effect so very many lives, please think of me when you make it.

    Kathryn Pirkig

    Ex smoker, present day Vapor, a much healthier person.

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