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cotton candy taste.

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It could be you. It could be the juice. It could be any number of things, but without more information, to troubleshoot this problem is going to be hard.

What delivery system are you using (tank/RDA/RBA/etc.)? What mod is it on? What watts/voltage/temp control setting are you using? Is the coil in your tank (if that's what you're using) a new one? If new, did you prime it first and let the wick soak up the juice for a bit before you tried vaping on it? What resistance is your coil? All of these factor into why you're not getting any flavor from your juice. It could also be that this juice manufacturer didn't use much flavor in their creation too... Give us some more info so we can help you better.  :) 

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yeah.  That's a tough one.  It's sounds like your gear is more set up to deliver clouds and not flavor.  More clouds does not necessarily mean more flavor.  Also your pg/vg is not great for that set up and it's going to be difficult to fix.  I would suspect that low ohm set up is overwhelming the super simple flavor of cotton candy which is essentially just a sugar taste.

I think Tam's suggestion is the best. I would get a second flavor of vg only and mix it so you don't waste your juice.  You don't really have the luxury of adjusting temp with that mod.

You might want to consider a lightweight build on the mod as one option.  Build it to 1.5. Ohm or so to get thru your juice

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^^ This is what I was about to suggest ^^ 

Build a different coil to 1.0-1.5 Ohms and I think you'll taste your flavor a LOT more than you do now.  Four wraps of 22ga is probably between 0.2 and 0.3 Ohms, and on a fully charged battery that's probably around 55W?  So all you're getting with that rig is heat and vapor... and at 70% PG, you're probably only getting the heat.

It's been a long time since I had cotton candy juice, but if memory serves, it tasted best (actually HAD flavor, which was more or less a sweet after-tate, not real flavor) in a Kanger ProTank 2 @ 1.8Ohms and about 10W... and flavor was less and less as I lowered resistance.

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All the above suggestions are great!!!!   

Also maybe the juice was freshly made and needs to steep for a bit. I have vaped cotton candy flavored juice that like a fine wine got better with time. I would suggest adding either a high VG  blueberry candy or strawberry candy flavoring to give it a better pink/blue cotton candy flavor. Sweeter juices burn easier too a higher ohm build might be a good idea too.

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7 hours ago, Somewhat experienced said:

If I buy some flavoring (like you make a DIY juice.) and mix it up how much would/should I put in it? I have no other flavors at the moment sadly. 

If I were you, I would put a small amount... say about 10 ml... into a separate bottle and experiment with that a drop or two or more at a time. This way, if you need more flavoring you can add it. If you added too much and need more of your original base, you have some of that on hand too. If you screw it up, it's not a big loss. If you use the whole 100 ml bottle and screw that up... your whole batch is toast. Keep track of what and how much you put into the small bottle so you can replicate it when you get what you like.  :) 

@Compenstine is our resident mix master here. He'll come up with some other suggestions, I'm sure!

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7 hours ago, Somewhat experienced said:

If I buy some flavoring (like you make a DIY juice.) and mix it up how much would/should I put in it? I have no other flavors at the moment sadly. 

Most flavorings I mix are at 10-20% total volume...  I would assume your Cotton Candy flavor is 10%, but that is just a guess.  Some flavorings are stronger than others, so you use less of them in a mixture, so @Tam suggestion of trial-and-error method of adding a few drops at a time to 10ml is a good way to start.

Depending on the specific gravity of the flavoring... it may take more or less drops to make 1ml... but the general rule of thumb is 20 drops equals one milliliter.

Another way to see what works is to almost fill your tank with your base (3ml is a good place to start), and add a drop or two of flavoring, shake well, and vape... If after 5 minutes, it is not strong enough, add a another drop...  repeat... until you get what you want in flavor.  After you get a flavor you like... say 4 drops in a 3ml tank... from there it's just math to mix larger batches... e.g. 40 drops of flavor per 30ml of base (roughly 32ml total)... and you may actually find 45 drops may be necessary for the larger batch?  Or, the way I'd prefer to mix it would be put the 40-drops (2ml)  in a 30ml bottle, and then add 28ml of base to make exactly 30ml...

This is just an example/suggestion on how to fine-tune it, but you can see how the method can be applied, starting with small batch and then working it up to larger batches.  But, even larger batches may need fine-tuning... of more or less flavoring... usually less for most flavors as they become stronger as they steep and mix with the base.

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