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New to vaping, would like some ideas on a vape build/set up?


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Hey all I'm totally new to the whole vape scene, I enjoy doing hookah and it's flavors was wondering if vaping is sorta the same thing? Just to let you know I've never smoked ciggsor any of that just hookah. I know that people start vaping to quit smoking but I am not a smoker. Should I even start vaping? If I do I would just be interested in the flavors not really the nicotine at all. I'm pretty much in it for the flavor and clouds lol. So can anyone recommend me a vape build? I looked into dripping but it's not something I would want to do yet because you have to keep refilling the drops into the feeder right? So I would be looking at getting a tank so it can last me the whole day or so. Can anyone recommend me a build under $200?

I've already started to read about the coil building and battery safety from some of these stickies, but what would you guys recommend as a build? For a mech mod and such? Or maybe a regulated mod? What would you guys recommend with a tank as well? And what battery? I've heard different things about the Nemesis/Provari/Stingray and I was looking into a regulated mod the Sigelei20watt or the Cartel Clone by infinite. What do you guys think? Thanks for the information guys!

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You can get juice without nicotine content! Also I wouldn't recommend a rebuildable without some experience/knowledge of how electricity works with Wattage/voltage/Ohms. You can actually blow batteries up etc with your coils if you don't know what you're doing. But don't let that discourage you! Do tons of research. I'm pretty new myself. Stopped smoking with an eleaf Ijust variable mod. But looking to use my experience with electronics to work with rebuildables. Some of the guys here could help you better with a build recommendation!

I was thinking about this rebuildable coil tank


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I dont really know what to say, I hate to give build advise to someone that hasnt really vaped before, but if you're dead set on it a good way to get your feet wet would be to start with a kayfun as it's an easy rebuildable to start on. I would go with a mech for the mod because you can always move up to a more advanced tank. As far as batteries go, just to be on the safe side, you should get a 30 amp or higher battery such as Sony VTC4 or 5 (just my opinion) these batteries will be sufficient even if you decide to start using lower ohm builds in the future. You're not going to get huge clouds, but it will get you the experience you need to get there eventually. I can't stress enough the safety though. Make sure you have an ohm reader. Make sure you watch videos and take all the advice given from people that have been doing this for a long time. Then when you feel comfortable get yourself a dripper because that's where the intense flavor and huge clouds come into play.

I hope this helps a little and please be safe, I know at my local vape shop there are people in there that are very knowledgable about rebuildables and would probably jump at the opportunity to help out a newbie, just incase you want a face to face rather than an internet video.

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Taking into consideration that shisha is a tobacco product i consider it in the same boat as smoking. but thats only my opinion. Ive heard everything from its completely safe all the way too its worse than smoking cigs. No idea whats true or not but anyways.

If youre not hooked on anything then leave the nicotine alone... its not worth the risk of getting hooked on it to be honest. all of us wish we never smoked and thats why we quit and went towards this hobby.

Now for the device....

It really depends where you want to go with this hobby... a variablevoltage or variable wattage device is nice since you can go from tanks to RBA to RDA... personnally I didnt have the patience to get into that.. I rather get a regulated device for my tanks and mech mods for my drippers.

if you want one that lasts you all day try to find a 26650 mech mod since the batteries that go with it usually have the best MAH rathing(mah = how long it will last). now aparently 18650 batteries hit harder... it really depends on the battery and mod set up you have but those are details...unless youre going into competitions and whatnot you really dont have to worry about all that random stuff.

dripping really isnt as bad as people think. when I started vaping i grew one step at a time and when I got to dripping and making my own coils... i was surprised how easy it was. just gotta have the right toold. but I think with 200$ you should be almost there.

Clone mec mod 40-50$

Dripper (atty wtv you want) 30$

juice (youre probably gonna want to get a few flavors so ...) 30$

Kenthal 10$

Mini screw driver set 5$

pliers/snippers 5-10$

Batteries 20$ .... 10$ each but you NEED at least 2

Charger 20-25$

Get some knowledge.... depending on the build you want to go for the kenthal is going to be different sizes.... I dont like going into things that are tooooo complicated but thats a personal preference. Sooo a dual 7 to 9 wraqp 24g kenthal around 2mm screw driver should be giving you a pretty good vape.

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You forgot one of the most important things in your list. A ohm reader or Multimeter. Having a way to read ohms (Do not trust a E-Cig device) is a absolute must when building coils.

I did!!! my bad..... ***hangs head in shame***

It should actually be the first thing you buy!

ive never heard that 18650s hit harder. The purple efest 26650 put out a 64 amp pulse and 32 continuous if im not mistaken and a sony vtc4 will put out 70 amp pulse. So I'm not sure that the size of the battery matters as much as what type you have and what they are rated at.

Im not sure... ive read various opinions on that, I personally dont see much of a difference... except now that my hades is giving me trouble... hits only a third of the time i press the switch...very anoying.. gonna get a copper 26650 mod if I can only find one I like.

But back to the post! it relly simply depends where you want to go with this. either way... start small and see if it works for you. (hopefully it does!) and then start exploring different avenues :)

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I did!!! my bad..... ***hangs head in shame***

It should actually be the first thing you buy!

Im not sure... ive read various opinions on that, I personally dont see much of a difference... except now that my hades is giving me trouble... hits only a third of the time i press the switch...very anoying.. gonna get a copper 26650 mod if I can only find one I like.

But back to the post! it relly simply depends where you want to go with this. either way... start small and see if it works for you. (hopefully it does!) and then start exploring different avenues :)

I highly recommend the copper mutant 26650

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Personally, I would never have started vaping if I had`nt already smoked for 30 some odd years.

Id much rather put my money into a built 350 or my rock crawler, or ????

There`s another thread around here talking about this very situation, it might make a good read.

Good luck.

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Wow thanks for all the information guys seems like this board is very active, I wouldn't say im addicted to shisha but I do have strong cravings for it, How much nicotine is inside a hookah you guys think? I'd actually prefer vaping 0 nic juice, what do you think about a nemesis clone from hcigar? What tank would you guys go with? And battery recommendation? Charger?

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HCigar is one of the better clone manufacturers out there... I'm currently using their WindRose (brass 18650 MOD) right now, with an Infinite (clone) Magma RDA. EhPro is another good clone manufacturer. Tobeco is hit-and-miss in my book...

For someone starting out (and determined to build coils), my suggestion would be to begin with a Kayfun Lite Plus or Russian 91% (nearly identical devices). They are easy to build on, forgiving, and they are a TANK, which means you can fill them and vape, rather than carry a bottle of juice and add drops every few hits. You can also use a Kayfun/Russian easily with a regulated device like a Vamo, e-Vic, Provari, MVP, VTR, etc. because they tend to perform better with 1.2 Ohm and higher coils. Using a regulated device also will allow you to fine-tune the power/Voltage to better match your juice, tastes, and coil-builds. As for an Ohm meter... I have two... an ELeaf and a no-name brand... both are very accurate compared to my Fluke DMM. Honestly, having one that is mostly accurate is still far-and-away better than NOT having one :) Most regulated devices have an Ohm reader built-in, but don't trust them to be accurate like a dedicated Ohm meter... they'll work if you have nothing else, but can be off as much as 0.5 Ohms from reality... so definitely don't trust them for very low resistances (sub-ohms, if they'll even read that low).

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Thanks for the response earthling, would I be able to pair it up with the nemesis? Also whats the difference between that kayfun lite plus and a clone? Are clones bad? There seems to be many of them out there, the kayfun seems a little pricey can you direct me to a more affordable clone?

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A Kayfun with a Nemesis... absolutely!

A clone is just that... another company manufacturing the device, based on the specs of the original. There are some clones where the machining is not as refined, not as polished, etc, but some (like HCigar, Infinite, EhPro for example) where the clones are as good as or better than the originals. Clones are not bad in general, and I would not hesitate to buy a "quality" clone... as a matter of fact, I'm using an HCigar MOD (Brass Windrose clone) and Infinite RDA (Magma clone) right NOW! Just be aware there are some companies that aren't as concerned with the details and finish, and their lack of "brand name" or ANY markings are usually a give-away!

Sweet-Vapes.com, 101vape.com, vapepg.com are just a few I have bought from recently with good experiences. IIRC, sweet-vapes has EhPro Kayfun Lite+ (version 1 - smooth drip-tip) for $25, and even offers silver, brass, or black colors too... and the Version-2 (styled drip-tip) for $29. A couple of members here have recently purchased these exact ones and are pleased with them.

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What battery and charger do you recommend?? I've settled on the nemesis clone from Hcigar and the Kayfun Lite plus V2 clone so far, now I need an OHM reader, battery, charger and kenthal. Any recommendations where I can source and which battery/charger combo to go with?

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I have two NiteCore Intellichargers (both are i4's), and I cannot recommend them enough! As for batteries, I use and trust Sony VTC4's with my MODs... they last a full day, charge quickly, and are <$10 each. I also have 3400mAh Panasonic batteries, but they are mostly for my flashlights, although, I would not hesitate to use them with a MOD that isn't driving a sub-ohm RDA/RBA (because IIRC, their rating is only 10A).

I also recommend the ELeaf meter. I recently purchased one, and so far it is working as expected, appears to be accurate, has an auto-shut-off/stand-by feature, and has the nice feature of reading voltage of eGo batteries as well as coil resistances.

Edited by Earthling789
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From personal experience. I have the efest, vtc4 and vtc5 and Dont see much of a difference apart from the 1$ in price at my local shop. They all hit very similar and last about a day and are reputable batteries. the intellicharger is probably the most popular and hence most proven charger ( I have the i2 and its perfect). just make sure the build youre putting on there is safe and that the batteries are well maintained(cycled through, undercharged overcharged etc.)

Edited by christov11
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